“. . . what would it be like if I could, if I were free – not enslaved by my conditioning.” Lenina in Brave New World
It has been years since I read Aldous Huxley’s masterpiece of social critique in the guise of science fiction. But as I sat down to write the final chapter of this series, I was prompted to search my library shelves for Brave New World. The title is alluring. What would a brave new world look like? How would we go about creating it? I’ll have to reread the book. I’m sure there are clues to help us.
I opened it at random, riffled some pages and spotted yellow highlighter. I stopped and read the above quote. And voila! There was my opener. Really think about it – what would my life be like if I were truly free? Seems like an innocent enough question, but I remember my horror when an inner voice posed it to me as I stood in the autumn of 1986 on a cliff above the Rhine River.
Autumn leaves were beaming their splendor. I felt saturated by their warmth and beauty. Below us lay a miniature world – the river flowing, boats steaming up and down, railroad tracks flanking its banks with toy trains running back and forth. Parallel highways dotted with cars. Everyone was on the move. I felt giddy. It was a God’s-eye view that I assumed for a moment when a voice spoke from my depths, “What if you did whatever you wanted?”
I snapped out of my reverie in alarm and literally shouted “No!” My husband jumped. I was stunned by the question and equally stunned by my reaction. The question was innocuous enough, but the “NO” came from my depths.
I tried to pass it off but the question haunted me. It caught me off guard while I brushed my teeth, or just upon awakening. I was actually afraid of such freedom. It challenged my conditioning. Finally one morning, instead of being irritated by this ear worm, I stopped and let it sink in. What if I really did do whatever I wanted? This question blew me wide open and changed the course of my life. I’m still asking myself “Is this what I really want?” It’s a good reality check. For the most part the answer is “Yes.”
The part that is distressing is what’s going on in our world. There are so many levels of transformation occurring right now. We can’t really know the full meaning of this turbulent time until we pass through it. The most important thing we can do to navigate safely is be wide awake, alert, making good choices and decisions. We need to be living in the present moment where our power lies. We need to be asking ourselves “Is this what I really want?” Conflict, struggle, suffering, poverty, illness, war, terrorism?
The paradox about this evolutionary moment is that we cannot change our reality from the outside. We can’t fix what is “out there” until we fix what is “in here.” The seemingly unsolvable problems of our physical reality are reflections of our collective psyche. We have no control over this. We can’t control hate and fear in others. We can’t make others do our bidding. The only power we have is over ourselves, but it’s a great power, a profound power. We have the ability to rise out of our conditioned minds, to see ourselves and our world from a higher, broader, clearer perspective.
This power lies within each and every one of us. It begins with awakening, moves on through self-discovery, healing the wounds that haunt us from our past, liberating us from the tyranny of ego consciousness and opening our hearts. This profound reckoning with the past is something that we all can do. This is how we heal. This is how we transform our world – through our own awakening consciousness. The body gets healed one cell at a time. Humanity gets healed the same way. And as we wake up, as we heal, as we no longer punish the world for our pain, our world responds. A resonance builds, operating at a higher frequency. It forms the context, the womb so to speak, for the gestating future.
That brings me to Holistic theory, the hypothesis that our Universe is a hologram. Holograms contain a snarly paradox. If you split a holographic image in two, you get two wholes. You don’t get half an image – you get the whole thing. That is true to infinity. You could slice it up into thousands of bits and each bit contains the whole. That’s amazing! It speaks of another dimension, doesn’t it?
If, by way of metaphor, we apply it to the whole of humanity, we see that each of us contains the whole, while simultaneously being part of a bigger Whole. Our separateness is an illusion.
What we have here is the key. If we each contain the whole within us, then when we fix our part of the whole, when we clean up the dirt that clouds our view, clear out the cobwebs and all the stuff stored in dark corners of our basement, when we deal with our “stuff” and heal our own issues, we bring more light to the whole. This is how consciousness evolves. This is how paradigms shift. This is how we become Spiritual Adults.
If we take responsibility for our piece of the whole, we have a positive impact upon the whole. We heal ourselves and we heal the world. This is what we will explore in the next series, “Practicing the Future.” We will be donning our sleuthing hats and seeking out the wounded, damaged, suffering parts of ourselves in order heal them.
Synchronistically, we are now in the month of Scorpio, the sign of deep transformation. Pluto has been at work breaking down the inner barriers. We’re all ripe. The World is ripe. The stage is set. We can make a difference!
We are living in the most exciting of times! We get to witness evolution in action! We get to choose it and experience it. We are building the bridge to the future, together, by living a soulful life. We are planting seeds through our beautiful dreams for a better world. We are collecting love and spreading love to fertilize the soil. We are growing up. This is a rite of passage for Humanity. The Whole transforms One by One.
The Age of Aquarius
So “What’s Going On” is a transformation of humanity, an evolution of consciousness and the birth of a new world. We are living in the transition from the Age of Pisces to the Age of Aquarius. We are shifting from one paradigm to another. Humanity is on the brink of an evolutionary leap from a world of “I and Me” to one of “We and Us.” That is the spirit of the Aquarian Age.
During the transition we are being tested, we are been shaken awake by a fearful reality. We need to call upon our Courage. Exploring one’s inner world can be frightening at first. After all, that’s where we store the pain we don’t want to feel, along with the humiliation, the sense of worthlessness, the loneliness, the worst thoughts we’ve ever had, the worst nightmares. Confronting this is how we claim our freedom.
Aquarius is ruled by both Saturn and Uranus. We need both influences. Saturn wants to grow us up, so it teaches patience, self-discipline, responsibility. Uranus wants to break our bonds and set us free. So it shocks us awake by the unexpected. The longer we ignore its call, the more dramatic the shocks that come from this perpetual alarm clock.
Aquarius is an air sign. We can anticipate some exciting new thinking, new scientific discoveries, innovations in our technology and architecture, new ways to live in harmony with the natural world. Aquarius is always channeling from the future. The focus is on humanity coming together, working together to create it. All decisions in the future will include the welfare of the whole, not just what’s in it for me.
That shift in consciousness is our Coming of Age. We are stepping, One by One, into Spiritual Adulthood. And as citizens of the United States, we get to fulfill our nation’s destiny. It may sound arrogant to claim that our nation is so significant, but it’s true. Democracy has been the cutting edge of social evolution. It resides with us to protect it because we created it. We have been living in an experiment. Can people live together in freedom with justice for all? Big question.
I believe with all my heart that we can. We have come to a fork in our evolution. Which path will we take? We have examined over the last five months what the USA natal chart reveals about our dysfunctional collective consciousness. We have a map that lays out our journey of healing. If enough of us do the work, take up the standard and accept the challenge, we will succeed. It’s written in the stars.
A few years ago I discovered Diamond Astrology. I believe it is the future of astrology, mapping out our spiritual purpose from transpersonal realms. I won’t attempt to explain it. It involves a lot of invisible points, but don’t discount them. 98% of reality is invisible. It’s the Great Mystery! There’s so much more to explore!
One of the features of Diamond Astrology is the Black Sun. We’ve probably heard of the Black Moon. Diamond Astrology reveals that It’s so much more than we think – it’s the portal through which we incarnate. It holds the energy of our essential spiritual Self – our eternal, reincarnating essence. We arrive in innocence and love, armed with a mission to explore and learn and grow and to share our gifts with the world. As we age, we are conditioned. We take in our parents’ attitudes and beliefs. We ingest the social paradigm with our Pablum and we gradually lose touch with our origin.
According to Diamond Astrology there comes a moment in one’s life when another portal opens and we can awaken from our conditioned stupor. We can reconnect with our Spiritual Self, remember our mission and set off on a Quest to fulfill our destiny.
The Black Sun, I believe, represents the potential future Self, what we can become, an evolved, fully ripened Being. It is also the way “Home.” Our spiritual journey is cyclical. We precipitate out of Oneness, experience a physical life, then are re-absorbed into Oneness when we shed our bodies. The Black Sun is our destination.
This invisible point moves through the Zodiac very slowly, spending several centuries at one degree. Right now the Black Sun is at 13 degrees of Cancer. It is conjunct the USA natal Sun highlighting our role in the evolution of consciousness. I literally got a full body chill when I learned that. It was the heavenly signature that filled my heart with hope. Destiny is knocking at our door. Destiny is drawing us forward, like the Strange Attractor, toward an enlightened future. All the activity in Capricorn is waking our desire for growth and change. This is the very energy we need to take responsibility, heal our inner victims, assume our true power and light the way. We live on the cutting edge of Evolution. We’re in the right place and the right time to make this quantum leap. What Brave New World could we co-create if we slipped the bonds of our conditioned minds and became citizens of the Cosmos?
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