I’m having a hard time getting organized this month. January is usually about clarifying goals, closing out the past year and getting on with my resolutions to get fitter, sleep more, eat well, and cultivate deep respect for every soul I meet. However I find myself floating in limbo. The usual new year’s zest is missing.
I keep thinking that in a few days the energy will shift along with the Inauguration of a new President and Vice President. It’s as if we’ve been sliding backwards at an alarming rate and we’re coming to the end of our fall. I decided yesterday to stop struggling and relax into the flow. (Warning: I do mix metaphors. Why look at something only one way?) I’m swimming in a swirl of chaos. All I can do is trust that eventually it will bring me to clarity.
The Heavens are busy right now. On Sunday Jupiter squared Uranus. Uranus brings surprises and Jupiter makes them big. Some people had glorious good news. Others had accidents. What was Sunday about for you? We got to see triumph and disappointment on the football field. Blessedly the threat of violence on our state capitols did not come to pass. We can be grateful for a sign of the return of order and peace.
Uranus is associated with upheaval. It was discovered between the American and the French Revolutions. We have just witnessed an insurrection, but I would not call it a Revolution. The spirit behind it was one of fear, anger, violence and hatred. Revolutions are forward looking. People revolt to get out from under a despot, not to make him dictator for life. The siege on the Capitol was more of an uprising. Pluto brings hidden issues to the surface so we can respond to them.
We have made some great choices in the last couple of months. We are demanding Democracy. The majority has chosen and that brings us a huge sigh of relief. Biden recently announced that he will abolish the Keystone Pipeline by executive order upon assuming leadership. That’s a huge win for sustainable energy, for the Native Americans who would have been victimized by it and for our precious Mother Earth and her sacred land.
People are waking up all over the country, one by one by one. For some it will be a painful experience as they are faced with the truth and realize they have been deceived. There will be great disillusionment and it may be traumatic. Ultimately though, this will lead to a re-integration of our population. We can do our part to foster this healing. For one thing we can let our loved ones know – those who are devastated by the loss of what they believed was right – that we love them. We can make them feel safe.
Many of us face this issue. More than half my family supported Trump. It baffled me because we all grew up with the same values. How could we see the world so differently? In part I know that it is loyalty to the party of my departed parents. But I keep asking myself, “Can’t they see?” Then I remember they only watch Fox News.
What a dilemma for our nation! How do we honor free speech and yet allow festering lies from our media that foment racial hatred, fear of strangers and a maniacal greed for control? Can we fight Fascism without suppressing disinformation? Can we make a distinction between free speech and propaganda?
These are the questions posed by the Nodes of the Moon right now. The South Node in Sagittarius is asking us to examine our beliefs, question our paradigm and the truth by which we live. Sagittarius is passionate about truth, looking to understand in order to find meaning in life. Meanwhile, the North Node is encouraging us to open our minds, to seek more information, to perceive the world differently. What is making this so difficult is the square of Neptune to this axis. Neptune clouds perception, dissolves boundaries, draws us into a unity where details disappear along with differences.
Neptune will have a powerful influence on our nation because it will exactly oppose the USA natal Neptune three times – May 1st, August 21st and March 1st of 2022 – but it will always be within three degrees and therefore an inescapable energy throughout this and next year. Neptune washes away boundaries. In Greek mythology, Neptune was the god of the seas, raising his trident and stirring up the waves, while consistently eating away at the shores, building up in one place, washing away in others. This tide-like motion has the same impact on our consciousness that oceans have upon our shores. It’s an inexorable force.
Neptune is the flow and, as the fulcrum between Sagittarius and Gemini, it acts to dissolve our past and stimulate dreams about our future. We may find it difficult to organize our lives, even our weeks. I don’t know about you, but my dreams are filled with floating possibilities that disappear the moment I wake. I have no clue. I don’t know from day to day what I’ll do next. I make lists at night that seem irrelevant in the morning. As I struggle with myself I become more exhausted. So I’ve decided to open up more space in my life for the unknown. It’s coming in anyway – might as well accommodate it.
With Neptune, the emphasis is on surrender. In the face of transpersonal energies, we have no control. It’s as if we are fogged in at sea. All we can do is steer a course and trust to the benevolence of the Heavens. We will be drawn by that mysterious Strange Attractor that responds to our intentions. More important than goals this year is good will. The quantum universe operates through vibration, not intellectual reasoning. If we live in the resonance of the future we desire, we will gravitate toward it.
Neptune by definition cannot be defined because it is the ineffable. Neptune is Unity – the Oneness from which we all come and to which we all return. It’s about Divine Love for which we all long. Here on Earth it’s about Unconditional Happiness. Neptune is about our relationship to life – are we at peace? Do we apprehend the sacred? Do we marvel at synchronicity and experience awe at the mystery and beauty? Are we grateful? Can we surrender to the unknown and trust its benevolence?
I will do my best to check in with you weekly. Perhaps the Aquarian Sun beginning on the 20th will blow away the clouds. Happy Inauguration Day. May it be peaceful. Mars is conjunct Uranus when Joe Biden becomes our President. I choose to see it as a powerful opportunity for change, growth and awakening. I feel as if we are passing through a portal into a new world. See you on the other side.
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