It’s a beautiful day, sunny, bright and full of surprises. I discovered that yesterday Pluto perfected a trine to my natal Uranus. So here’s how that feels – high expectations. Something new is coming toward me. I’m open and curious and excited. Yesterday I was on the flip side of this state of consciousness. I was confused, bewildered, discouraged – not knowing where to go from here. Do I want to keep doing what I’m doing? Do I want to do more? Do I have to do more? Have I done enough? Can I take more time in my studio? My heart is longing to get back in there and play with fabric. How can I be of service and follow my heart at the same time?
I’m not sure we ever stop serving. Being a Virgo, life to me is about how we serve one another. And I don’t mean in the sense of a servant, but in the sense of co-pilgrims. We are souls trying to figure out how to bring our divinity into manifestation. Conscious or unconscious, we are helping each other all the time. And as we realize this, as we awaken to this truth, we see each other in a new way and begin to forge a new world.
One of the many delights so far this morning was a Tik Tok video that popped up on my cell phone. A father in raingear is holding his infant at the railing of a boat and suddenly a whale’s head surfaces singing a haunting greeting. The baby is wildly kicking its arms and legs, as if in excited recognition. My first thought, once I got over the awe, was that baby’s experience. That image is forever implanted in its subconscious. And then I realized – that whale is greeting the New Human.
Yes, it’s a new human in its baby-ness, but this baby is one of millions to come that will be bathed in the evolutionary frequency of Unity. And we, right now, are responding to that frequency and creating a new context. So my questions of yesterday are answered. It really doesn’t matter what form my service takes. It only matters that I am contributing to the frequency of Unity.
Mutual Awakening
I told you that I heard a lecture on January 1st about the 9 waves of creation and that I had signed up for a training program in unity consciousness. This week and last I have practiced almost every day with a new person from a different part of the world. This morning I had an experience almost beyond words. The energy between us built and flowed through our bodies, activating the chakras. At one point I felt as if my entire core was pure light. I could feel the fire of it and the ice. My body began shaking and twitching. I could feel the fire of this energy seeking out the darkness in all the nooks and crannies, purifying with its flame. The woman I was practicing with was experiencing the same thing and between us was this profound loving, nurturing, palpable power. My vision became clearer and clearer. I felt myself expand beyond my usual auric boundaries. My inner space was vast and pure. It was the complete embodiment of Pluto trine Uranus channeling the 9th evolutionary wave of unity consciousness.
I’m challenged writing about this because it’s hard to find words that approach the actual experience. There is a global collective practicing this work daily and I think I may join them. To fill the “space between” with frequencies of love, beauty, gratitude, awe, wonder, innocence and joy – that’s service. I want to contribute to the psychic climate of the future that will inform and cradle the returning souls who, in turn, will co-create our new world.
If you are interested in learning more about this work there is a free webinar on March 8. Carl Calleman will talk about the 9 waves of evolution and Patricia Albere will speak about Unity Consciousness. Here’s the link.
Evolution of Consciousness
You may have wondered why I keep harping on healing, on cleaning out the cupboards of our past, resolving our issues and relationships and releasing old wounds. It’s because we are at the threshold of a consciousness revolution. To make the most of it, we need to clear out whatever stands in the way. The more weight we shed from our past, the more we can soar. This month is pregnant with potential.
Humanity is getting an upgrade. Consider for a moment the synchronicities:
1.The 9th Wave of Cosmic energy is swirling around us.
2. We are passing into the Age of Aquarius
3. Earth is passing through the photon belt
4. Saturn is squaring Uranus
5. Mars is moving into Gemini
6. Venus is about to conjunct the Sun
7. Sun, Moon, Venus and Neptune conjunct in Pisces on the New Moon
Let’s take these one at a time. You can get more information about the 9th wave from the link above, and if you missed the Jupiter/Saturn conjunction on the Winter Solstice, you can learn about this epic shift from my video. It’s on my website.
3. Earth passing through the photon belt – this is intriguing. Someone asked at an astrology class, “Why am I so tired?” The answer was “Because Earth is passing through the photon belt.” We are going through this enormous shift into high frequency energies and our bodies are trying to adjust. We have gone from a heavy concentration in Earth to the giddy, limitless spaces of Air. Things move quickly in this realm. It’s a higher frequency. And now we are passing through the photon belt as well! My first question was, “When is it over?” Settle in for a long trip – we have 2000 years ahead. We can probably get in hundreds more lifetimes in that span. As our solar system orbits the galactic center, we spend 2000 years in the photon belt, then 11,000 years out of it, then back into photons on the other side of the galaxy. The whole revolution is 26,000 years. Each 2000 years in photon belt passage transforms our world. Climates change, species disappear, civilizations pass out of existence and new worlds are born. According to ancient lore, the last time we were in the photon belt, we were in Atlantis. Just look at the change over the last 2000 years without that photon boost.
Individually and collectively we are being bathed in this pure energy which engulfs us and flows through us, changing our DNA, opening up new areas of our brains, triggering ancient memories, transforming us in mysterious ways. You can read all about it on this site.
4. Saturn square Uranus: We have visited this topic several times this year and will continue to do so. Saturn represents our established paradigm with all its institutions. It carries a conservative, contractive, resistant, sometimes fearful vibe. Uranus is bold and electric, stimulating change in shocking ways. We can see this play out in our society between the conservatives who resist change and the progressives who want to move forward. In a battle between these two, Uranus always wins. The transpersonal force of awakening and enlightenment overpowers the status quo. Uranus in Taurus is pushing Saturn in Aquarius to see the light, open to new possibilities, shed outworn attitudes and beliefs. These two will dance us through the whole year and on Christmas Eve we will look back amazed at how far we have come.
5. Mars moves into Gemini – today, March 4th.
Gemini is about gathering and sharing information and Mars will tickle our curiosity. With the North Node of the Moon also in this sign, we will be making a lot of choices this year. Gemini is a quick moving Air sign – restless, inquiring, experimenting. Mars helps us see more clearly, help sharpen our focus. Meanwhile, Uranus will spark us with insights. A lot of our questions may find answers this month. Mars demands that we think for ourselves, question our beliefs, investigate claims and get to the facts. The Nodal Axis is challenging us to pick our way through deception and outright lies to find the kernels of truth that will guide us to a better future. How do we know? We check in with our hearts.
We have big choices to make as a nation before Pluto returns to its natal home next February. The big question for America is, can we preserve our democracy? Are we going to fight for freedom and justice for all, or restrict the right to vote and disenfranchise people of color? Are we going to remain unconscious, self-serving, out of sync with nature and the cosmos, destroying our beautiful home, or are we going to rediscover our connection, our symbiotic connection to the living, conscious planet we live on? Are we going to continue conflict and hostility, or finally grow up and learn how to live together? Will we choose to perpetuate a dominator culture or will we recognize our interdependence and realize the truth of the Golden Rule we claim to espouse? Will we remain a frightened, defensive nation, or take our place in a global community and use our ingenuity and resources to generate prosperity for all?
6. Sun conjunct Neptune in Pisces on March 10th.
Neptune is the natural host of Pisces and opens us up to boundless possibilities. Pisces will help us loosen our grip on the past and relax into the evolutionary flow. It’s a good time to pay attention to dreams. Neptune speaks to us in dreamtime of universal love, of our Oneness with All That Is. Let yourself daydream. Who do you want to be in this new world? What could life be like if we all awakened to the truth of who we are and what we came here to do? Meditate on limitlessness and flow with the current into fantasies of an ideal world. We are coming to the close of the zodiacal year. One full year under the pandemic threat, one full year of restrictions, isolation, separation. Imagine the joy of reunion, of hugging heart to heart again.
7. The New Moon in Pisces
Sun, Moon, Neptune and Venus come together on March 13th. We will examine the potential of the upcoming Moon cycle next time.
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