Late Saturday night, or early Sunday morning depending on where you live, the Sun and Moon will come together at 23 degrees of Scorpio. For the USA it lies in the 12th House, the House of surrender, of transition, of endings and preparation for new beginnings.
The New Moon chart for the USA is very specific and poignant. First of all the New Moon sextiles the stellium of Pluto, Jupiter, Pallas Athena and Saturn in Capricorn. This has been the context of 2020, the comings and goings of planets through our Second House giving us opportunities to examine our values. Way back on January 12th Saturn conjuncted Pluto and we kicked off a rite of passage.
When Pluto was triggered, there was a release of information from the Unconscious. Repressed experiences, emotions, deep-rooted woundings and attitudes took shape on our national stage. We got to see the ugliness of racism. Clearly our judicial system is unjust, and our Attorney General, supposed to be the wisest, most just official in our government, did not act on the behalf of the citizens.
We witnessed police brutality to the point of murder. We all remember, “I can’t breathe,” words from George Floyd who spoke that message for all of us. We were attacked by our own Executive Branch, by a militia serving the will of the President. We saw innocent activists shot with rubber bullets, tear-gassed, rounded up by unmarked officials with unmarked vans. Scary! This is the direction we were headed – toward more police violence, more racist injustice, more intimidation and suppression of our right to assemble, our right to free speech. The very tenets of our Constitution were shattered by these acts. The people we hired to represent us, ignored us – ignored our need, our suffering, our poverty, our oppression, our struggle, ignored a pandemic that has taken nearly a quarter of a million of our people. Those families are grieving as we head into the holidays.
This New Moon is giving us a chance to review what we learned from Capricorn, the final of three Earth signs. Earth energy brings things into manifestation – makes things what we call “real.” Earth only manifests what is already there in unseen realms. And so this year we manifested all our hatred, our bigotry, our fear, our corruption, our violence – all our festering ill-will – and it was so toxic and diseased, we actually manifested a pandemic. We also manifested our devotion, our courage, our stamina, our determination to save as many lives as possible and to remove an administration that was choking the breath out of us.
Our nation is very sick. And from now until the USA Pluto Return, we had better get about the job of healing and cleaning up our mess. The choice we made this November was a good step in the right direction. But we can’t now just lean back and let Joe and Kamala do all the work. We have our own serious personal and collective healing to accomplish. This is the next step of our evolution. The very process of healing will transform our planet as we bring more light into our shadows, as we liberate ourselves from the emotional shackles that have kept us fearful.
Scorpio is a fixed water sign, ruled by Pluto and Mars which has been in its home sign of Aries since the end of June. Mars turns direct on the New Moon. We should feel a resurgence of energy and a sense once more of moving forward after this suspension of time while we verified the election results.
Pluto is the agent of transformation, the energy driven by the evolutionary impulse that lies at the heart of creation. Pluto rules the Underworld, what lies in our depths, in the dark, out of sight in the unconscious. This is where the secrets lie – where we discover keys to the puzzle of our lives.
With the New Moon in the USA 12th House, in Scorpio, the message is loud and clear. Look inward. Pay a visit to your depths. Allow yourself to sink deep within. Not only is there comfort and peace and love, there is healing. And insight. Mercury is opposite Uranus – a channel is open for insight. Every insight expands our consciousness. We perceive the world with new eyes. We see the bigger picture and understand anew. That’s wisdom – composting our experience, facing all the fears and pain, all the self-judgment, all the mistakes and could-have-been’s. That’s all in there too. That’s why we fear this journey because we are afraid to feel that emotional pain.
My husband and I were Big Bang enthusiasts and now watch “Sheldon.” There is a tender scene when Sheldon is lying in bed in a room he shares with his twin sister. He’s contemplating the phantoms of possible college horrors, and the terror of stepping out of his childhood environment, of moving out of the nest. His sister says, “You’re afraid it won’t be like it was.” Sheldon agrees, and asks, “So what do we do?” Missy shrugs and says, “I dunno. Guess we do it anyway.”
The wisdom of babes! That’s exactly what we do. We do it anyway. We go into the pain, and not only do we live through it, we release it. Yes there is sobbing, but here’s a trick. When your heart is contracting from the pain, take a deep breath and open up more space. See it and feel it. Then invite Love in. The pain may grow with the space for a while, but we can always create more space within. It’s infinite. And as love pours in, and light pours in, the pain becomes ecstatic love. And that’s what we’re really afraid of – the immense, unbelievable power of Love.
Chiron is currently retrograde at 5 degrees of Aries. The focus is on healing our wounds as much as possible, and learning to live with what’s left, allowing them to build strength of character and compassion. To be human is to feel pain. But emotional pain is just suppressed love. Hang in there.
Chiron is squaring the USA Jupiter, conjunct Venus. This suggests the return of hope, and optimism and love. Furthermore, Chiron is the apex of a Yod, a “Finger of God.” Mercury and Vesta are energizing and pointing to Chiron. Mercury has returned to Scorpio to help us review the year. And he is heading toward an exact opposition with Uranus while Vesta is transmitting divine devotion. If we put it all together, we are being asked to find our true selves, the Selves that never separated, our Souls. The way to the Soul lies through the Shadow.
Speaking of shadows, we are entering eclipse season. The Full Moon in Sagittarius will be on November 30t h, a lunar eclipse followed by a Solar Eclipse on December 14th The work we do in the next two weeks will determine the vision and dreams we will have at the Full Moon. So the message is thrice emphasized. Look at the Shadow. The easiest way to do shadow work is like dream-work. Imagine that everything you see, everyone with whom you interact, is you – a part of you projected out onto the world screen. Observe yourself and own it. We can’t take it personally and allow the ego to step in and defend against it. Who we are is so much bigger than we now know. If we persevere, at the end of the journey all that will be left is love and gratitude, and a vision of our Soul’s purpose. The experience of the past will have become the loamy soil of a more beautiful future.
Now is the time to let go of the past . Twelfth House is about surrender – to the Divine flow of consciousness. It’s about allowing ourselves to be transformed. Soon we will be emerging from our cocoon – very soon. And then we will have a future to cocreate.
The Grand Cross
At the New Moon there is an applying Grand Cross forming between the Nodes and Neptune. While it won’t perfect until next year, the square is within two degrees. The Nodes are in Gemini and Sagittarius, all about perceiving the truth and conceiving a dream. Neptune meanwhile is moving toward an opposition with the USA natal Neptune. So interesting that Pluto is also moving toward a Pluto Return. These outer planets move very slowly and work in transpersonal realms, opening up new evolutionary paths, new opportunities, all of which serve our expanding consciousness. The next few years are ripe with potential and we want to make the most of it.
The Moon is dark as it passes beneath the beams of the Sun. Growing darkness is Autumn’s theme but we are more than half way to its heart. In five weeks, at the Solstice the light begins to return and the long-awaited conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn ushers us out of the heaviness of Capricorn into the fresh air of Aquarius. We can all take a deeper breath.
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