On Friday, October 16, the Sun and Moon join at 23 degrees of Libra and initiate the most important month of this epic year. This is it – this is our date with destiny. The planets have come into powerful configuration to support us and to alert us to the significance of these next few weeks. We are headed for an election that will determine the quality of life on Earth for generations to come. We will choose whether to thrive or bend our necks to the stranglehold of an outworn and unhealthy authoritarian government that is dragging us backward into the dysfunction of our past. “Make America Great Again” means a return to Empire, when nations gobble up land and resources and go to war to steal more. We’re done with that. Look where it got us. Now is the time to take back our power and create a new world based on gentler values, honoring the Earth as our lifeline, honoring each other as pilgrim souls seeking to embody the Divine and recreate Heaven on Earth.
That seems like a quantum leap but it is within our power. All we have to do is claim it. While Pluto has been destroying our old way of life, and Saturn has been building our character, and Jupiter pushing us out of the nest, the purpose has been to wake us up to the truth of our own power. We are ready now, whether we know it or not. We have gained mettle by facing the afflictions of this year. We have come to see what is important to us.
Being cut off from each other, we have realized our interdependence. We do not function solo in this world. Our needs are met by the combined contribution of everybody else. We depend upon their good will and responsibility. We cannot thrive without them, whether it be the services they perform or the comfort and support they give.
The Divine Feminine
Libra is the domain of Venus and represents the balanced scales of justice. Libra is about our relationship to ourselves, to each other, to our environment, society, humanity. Venus is about harmony, aesthetics, beauty, order, and of course love which knits us all together. She is one face of the Divine Goddess, the feminine principle that is the space, or womb, of the universe. We are not separate from the Goddess. We are within her.
In addition, the New Moon is conjunct the fixed star Spica, the brightest star in the virgin constellation of Virgo. Known as the Priestess Star, she is the High Priestess of the Heavens. Indeed she is our guiding star right now.
There has been much talk of the return of the Goddess. She has never left. The return is our awakening and remembering the sacred values of the Feminine Principle. We have learned how bleak life can be without love, companionship, camaraderie. How meaningless our existence without Soul. How angry and harsh our world can get when we turn on each other. How heartbreaking it is to see our beloved Earth pillaged and trashed, our precious soil turned to chemical dust, our pure, clear water turn toxic, the very air that keeps us alive and unites us in the Breath of God become murky mauve with noxious pollutants.
The Divine Feminine is guiding us into our hearts this month. Surrender. Our hearts hold the wisdom we so need right now.
Grand Cardinal Cross
The New Moon in Libra opposes Mars in Aries, both squaring Pluto in Capricorn and forming a T-Square in Cardinal signs. This is a time for action, for conviction, for doing the right thing. In the USA chart, this T-Square becomes a Grand Cardinal Cross with our collective Mercury in Cancer. This is when we get our heads on straight and make a critical decision. Transiting Mercury has just turned retrograde in Scorpio – our depths – opposite Uranus in Taurus, helping us turn to our inner world and to listen for insight. Everything we need to know is right inside of us. Our bodies signal to us, our Souls play upon our hearts. Our true selves – the ones still connected to our Source – know our core values. They know what is right and just. Listen carefully.
The Mercury emphasis is not only about making clear, informed decisions, it’s about speaking up. If you know people who are not going to vote, encourage them to participate, let them know how important this election is. If you can help others, do it. Do infirm elders need assistance, transportation? Speak to the young folks as well. Their future depends upon what happens now. This is the fight of our lives for truth and justice and Democracy.
Mystic Rectangle
Of course the Nodes are involved. In the USA chart, the North Node is in Gemini in the 7th house. We are evolving into a new relationship to life, to our planet, to each other. The North Node is exactly conjunct our collective USA Mars emphasizing right thought and right action. The South Node is in the first house in Sagittarius. Who are we? What is our collective identity? Are we the fearful, raging, hostile, hateful, polarized populace we see in the nightly news? Are we either bullies or victims? Or are we kind, generous, good people with a vision of and longing for a gentler world?
The North Node is trine the New Moon and sextile Mars. The South Node is sextile the New Moon and trine Mars. Two trines and two sextiles create a Mystic Rectangle. This configuration is one of strength and harmony. Trines and sextiles are supportive. In addition the Mystic Rectangle is bisected by two oppositions, first between Venus and Neptune which square the Moon’s nodes. The second between the USA natal Mercury and the triumvirate in Capricorn. Pluto is now midway between Jupiter which is approaching, and Saturn which is separating. Jupiter will soon make a square to Mars and hopefully it will bring us more optimism and faith, but it could also create more dissension and even violence. Energy management is key.
With the New Moon in Libra, this month is about balance. How do we balance our masculine/doing side with our feminine/being side. How do we make peace with our past in order to envision a better future? How do we lift our heart-felt love to a higher octave and tap into unconditional, universal love? How do we deal with all this increased energy? Turn to the personal planets for answers.
Mercury, our intellect, opposite Uranus – expanded consciousness. Take time to reflect, meditate, write in your journal. Venus, our hearts’ wisdom, opposite Neptune, the higher octave of unconditional love for all. Go high. Work with Heart Coherence. Balance the thoughts out with some heartfelt compassion. Bring the disparate parts of the self together for a peace talk.
This month comes to a climax with the Full Moon on Halloween. How appropriate is that! All Hallows Eve when the boundaries blur between worlds. When we don our masks and become something else. We can shift our reality this month and usher in a new world. We’ll talk more about this significant Blue Moon in two weeks. In the meantime, stay present in the moment no matter how uncomfortable it may be. You presence is powerful. It is the point of transformation. It is in the moment when we effect change. This is the time we’ve been preparing for.
On Tuesday the shamanic astrologer, Tami Brunt, gave a lecture on this New Moon for Astrology Hub. She introduced us to two videos which I share with you. The first contains the powerful words of indigenous poet John Trudell about true power. It’s entitled Stand with Standing Rock. This powerful, poetic oration will inspire you to step into your own power. It will remind you of spiritual truth.
The second is a music video which touched me deeply and reminds us all of the poignancy of human life and our precious relations. It’s a perfect Libra expression called Just Breathe. Both of these videos will help restore perspective.
…. and hope – your lessons are interwoven with hope and freedom. When I read what you wrote, it’s a resonance boost, and lifts my hope for an even brighter future.
Diana Vilas
Michael, that warms my heart. That is exactly what I hope to give to my readers. Thank you so much for writing those words. They keep me going, too. I believe in our brighter future with all my heart, and I believe in the American people to do the right thing. Bless you, dear one.
You’re so welcome, Diana. Your writing is a gift to all of us, and I feel blessed to have found you. You have awoken in me a connection to astrology that I didn’t know existed, nor ever expected to have. I watched the stars last night, and while not knowing what the constellations were, I have felt drawn to simply be outside and see them this past week.
Diana Vilas
Wonderful! Astrology is so much more powerful when we actually connect to the night sky. There is a movement now to reconnect astrology with astronomy. A good sign in my estimation.
The main events in the night sky are Jupiter and Saturn moving toward the horizon. I go out every night before bed to see them low in the Southwest. Jupiter is the bright one, closest to the horizon. Saturn is above and to the left. Watching these two planets over the next two months, you will see Jupiter closing in on Saturn for a conjunction event on the Winter Solstice. This is the climax of 2020 – a shift that begins not only a new 20 year cycle, but a 200 year cycle of moving into the Aquarian Age. I will be writing much about it. In fact, I’m preparing a video presentation for December about this historic event.
If you look high in the sky at midheaven,
more to the East, the brightest object will be Mars. Mars is in Aries. He is spending 6 months in his home sign attempting to teach us about the Divine Masculine, about right action and justice. Of course there is the dysfunctional expression of Mars as belligerent, aggressive, domineering, angry etc. This is what we are healing now because Chiron, invisible, is also in Aries, revealing to us the glory of the masculine energy when it is healed of its fears.
There are free apps you can get on your phone or tablet that show you the living night sky and help you identify the planets and constellations. That might be your next step. Connecting to the cosmos is a psycho-spiritual healing, just like connecting to nature. The more we are in tune with our environment – and the heavens are the context, the big picture of our psychic environment – the more we will feel sane, whole, supported, connected. It’s a source of great comfort and connects us with all that is sacred.
Send me your birth information, Michael. Date, time and location of birth from a birth certificate. I will give you a free mini-reading to deepen your connection. You can email me at dreamweaver.dv@gmail.com.
Another beautiful lesson, Diana. Thank you for sharing your insights and wisdom. I come to this site daily, looking for a vestige of peace and calm in a world swirling with dark chaos and uncertainty.