“We have two choices. We can be pessimistic give up and help ensure that the worst will happen. Or we can be optimistic, grasp the opportunities that surely exist and maybe help make the world a better place.” Noam Chomsky
Everybody I know is going through something. We’re taking a good look at ourselves and reassessing our options. For some, it has manifested as illness – witness the growing spread of the Delta variant of our pandemic. For others a shock of self-awareness, or the eruption of deep-felt emotion, or a painful memory from the past. Uranus and Neptune and Pluto are in high gear transforming our planet and assisting our evolution.
New Moon in Leo
On Sunday August 8th the Moon gets energized by the Sun. Their conjunction this month is in Leo. Can you feel the energetic warmth of Leo emanating from your heart? It’s passionate and loving, playful and creative, empowering and courageous. During the Cancer lunation we were dealing with our emotions. It was intense. I personally cried for two weeks. Others got in touch with their grief or their longing, or grappled with fear. We negotiated rough emotional waters. Now the Sun warms us from its home in heart-centered Leo and the Moon basks in its radiance. During the next two weeks she will be sharing the bounty, peaking in the second Full Moon in Aquarius within 30 days – a Blue Moon.
The New Moon is square Uranus and opposite Saturn in Aquarius creating a strong Aquarian emphasis, as well as increased tension between its two rulers. Saturn is conservative and likes to take things at a slow, steady pace, while Uranus is chomping at the bit to gallop into the future. We see it reflected in our population. We’re rooting for different teams.
Because Uranian energy is erratic, we never know when there will be a surge. It comes in shocks, surprises, things that seem totally out of the blue. This will undoubtedly stir up societal tension. We have to move farther apart before we can come back together. Think of pulling back a bow string. The greater the tension, the further the arrow will fly.
This is how Uranus works: it pokes us or prods us, disturbs the peace, irritates us to get our attention, then bombards us with energy to force change and awakening. The more energy, the higher the frequency at which a body vibrates. This is the goal of our current evolution – to increase our ability to carry more energy and raise our resonance to a higher frequency.
Almost always, however, Uranian energy runs into a blockage. Resistance is a perfect example. We all resist doing the things we know are good for us in favor of the things that give us comfort and have become deeply embedded habits. That’s the Saturn factor. The chaos we have experienced in this century so far, has scrambled our circuits. There is collective unrest. It explodes onto the scene as it did with the George Floyd murder last year. That’s the Uranus factor – a big shock that jolts the nervous system, stirs up the emotional body, calls forth our ego defenses and our preciously held points of view. We are constantly reacting to what’s going on “out there” but Uranus asks us to pay attention to what is happening within. It beckons us to enter new territory, it provides flashes of insight as well as the power to transform ourselves and our lives.
Uranus may surprise us personally or collectively this month so how do we prepare? The answer lies in the New Moon chart. So let’s look at our allies:
Mars and Hygeia
Mars adds energy wherever it appears and this month it is conjunct Hygeia, guardian and mentor of our health. We’re entering the Dog Days and we can feel the Sun’s light receding from our hemisphere. It’s tempting to lie in a hammock, which is fine, but Hygeia is encouraging activity. Play sports, take walks, soak up the sunlight. And while we’re at it, examine our diet, get more sleep, give ourselves the gift of space and silence, steep in the healing powers of nature, hang out with ourselves.
The conjunction takes place in early Virgo suggesting we focus on health, fine tune our power of discernment and look for ways to improve. Seriously, we need to take care of our bodies because we are going to have to accommodate more and more energy. If we have blockages, it can become painful. August is a good time to focus on our health and stop ignoring those messages from the body.
I speak from experience. My body is trembling with this new energy. I wake up at night and it is coursing through my nervous system. My cells are dancing. My psyche is shaking. And all my blockages are coming to light. This is when I must surrender and let it sweep me into the future. I am learning how to let go of the places in my body where I hold on, facing the fear of letting go. Learning to channel it into something worthwhile. It’s quite a ride.
Venus and Neptune
Venus is within two degrees of conjunction to the USA natal Neptune in Virgo and an opposition to transiting Neptune in Pisces. I cannot emphasize enough the importance of this opposition. When any planet arrives at 180 degrees away from its home, the opposition acts like a Full Moon. It’s an opportunity for increased awareness, more clarity, flashes of insight. Neptune in Pisces is asking us to use our Virgo discernment to look at the details of our spiritual life, both personally and collectively.
One of the main themes of this year is Authenticity. Just how authentic a spiritual life do we live? Is our spirituality a performance? Are we imprisoned in an archaic creed? Do we walk the path we preach?
And what is true spirituality? This is a big subject but to simplify, I believe it’s the embodiment of and devotion to living in accordance with the good, the true and the beautiful, all the qualities of divinity. Ultimately it is the embodiment of the divine – and that’s a lot of energy! Our bodies are evolving, literally our DNA is changing, in order to live at a higher frequency. This heightened frequency will enable the manifestation of a spiritualized world. If we dream it, it will come.
Venus is a personal planet and carries the deep feminine qualities within each of us, regardless of gender. She represents beauty, relationship and love. Neptune takes that love to a transpersonal level and imbues us with compassion and unconditional love. For the next few days open up to that energy. It is refined, rarified, but if we sit in silence, or take ourselves to a beautiful spot in nature, we can feel it all around us and coursing through us.
Leo asks us to open our hearts. It’s a great time to practice heart/brain coherence. When the brain cells in our hearts are in sync with the brain cells in our brains, we naturally vibrate at a higher frequency, make wiser choices, discover inner strength and childlike joy. To learn about this simple practice see my post called “The Heart has a Mind of its Own.”
Taking a minute or two a few times a day to check in with our hearts can make all the difference. When we are in coherence, our inner conflicts are resolved and we radiate a higher frequency that draws everything around us into resonance.
We are in uncertain times that can summon up anxiety, fear, anger even violence which can only manifest at the frequencies of those emotions. That’s where heart coherence keeps us in balance and buoys up our frequency. We can choose to feel love, joy, peace, and gratitude which will call forth our courage and strength and deepen our determination to help birth a new reality.
Neptune asks us to give up our attempts to control life and surrender to its unfolding. Michael Singer has a new book called The Surrender Experiment in which he shares the wonder of surrendering to inner guidance. The Universe, or Spirit or Great Mystery has a better plan for us than we can possibly conceive. Singer advocates total acceptance of life as it is right now and non resistance to the opportunities that come our way, sometimes disguised as experiences we would rather avoid.
Eris and Pluto
While Uranus is shocking us, and Neptune is dissolving our self-images and helping us surrender to the evolutionary flow, Pluto has been in cahoots with Eris to create chaos. Pluto can be compared to the Hindu death goddess Kali, in that they both are agents of destruction to make way for resurrection and rebirth.
Slowly we are getting more information about Eris. Like all archetypes, she is multifaceted. On the one hand she is the exposer of ego, the source of conflict, the instigator and trouble maker. On the other, she is the builder of integrity based on authenticity. Recently it has come to light that she was the patron saint of chaotic creation.
There is enormous potential in chaos because everything lives in a quantum state. Anything is possible. There are an infinite number of choices and each choice carries the power to transform our reality. Ultimately what looks like chaos is part of amazing eternal patterns that reveal themselves through fractals.
In times of chaos our choices carry more power. We can choose to dream a better future, rather than cower at the worst case outcomes. We can choose to stop resisting and embrace what life brings us. We can choose to feel gratitude, to open our hearts to the most powerful force in creation – Love. We can learn to accept and love ourselves, care for ourselves,
How long will this chaos go on? There are differing opinions. Some say for the rest of this decade. Others think it will climax next year with Pluto’s return to it’s natal degree. But here’s what I think – it will last as long as we resist change. Uranus will win this tug of war in the long run. The intensity of this summer will abate in October and even though it won’t be over, we will have a bit of a respite before next year when we fight another big battle at the polls. When Uranus is victorious, we have a chance to clean up this mess and start rebuilding our country.
Juno and the South Node
We took a look at Juno at the Full Moon two weeks ago. She is in tight conjunction with the South Node asking us to re-examine our commitments. Are we committed to clinging to the past? Are we committed to resisting change? Are we longing for “the good old days?” Or are we willing to face the truth about ourselves, stare down our fears, resolve inner conflict, release whatever stands in the way of our personal evolution? It’s a good time to take a look at our own past with detachment and objectivity. What is holding us back?
For all of us it is conditioning – all the do’s and don’ts we agree upon that blossom into a belief system. Guilt, shame, blame and hurts tied to the values of a dying paradigm can be released now. We no longer owe allegiance to the past. We are entering new territory here. We are pioneers of consciousness facing down our inner demons and taking back our power. This is our spiritual work now. We can commit to the future of humanity.
I hope I have conveyed the potential of this month for transformation and growth. We can make a huge difference if we take our cues from the heavens and do our inner work – a good Spring Cleaning of our subconscious.
A lot is going on this month with events to come. I’ll try to keep you alerted to all the opportunities.
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