As far as we can discern, the sole purpose of human existence is to kindle a light in the darkness of mere being. Carl Jung
Things come to a head this month. On February 22nd, George Washington’s actual birthday, Pluto perfects its conjunction with its natal position in the USA chart. Washington was not only our first president, he was general of our first army which secured our freedom and made our Republic possible. Pluto’s return challenges us to keep it, and reveals how far we have strayed from our original dream. We’ve been building up to this moment for a decade, but over the past two years our differences of opinion, as well as unresolved, historical and moral issues, have intensified. The United States is anything but united. Our democracy is fragile and we are vulnerable. The rupture in our populace makes us weak.
Democracy requires citizen participation and collective cooperation. It operates on the belief that we deserve freedom and independence, but freedom requires responsibility and a willingness to put the welfare of the whole above personal preferences. We are demonstrating to the world that we are too immature to function as a democracy. We are running on self-interest and entitlement and we’re headed toward the cliff’s edge. Russia is testing our mettle and now China is threatening conflict over Taiwan. Our house is a mess and wolves are at the door. And now Pluto is coming home to demand we make things right or lose everything.
On Monday, January 31st, the Moon joins the Sun at 12 degrees of Aquarius. This is the energetic context of the Pluto Return. Can we rediscover our humanity? Can we release our stubbornness, our arrogance and our precious opinions in order to save the greatest experiment in human evolution?
New Moon is always a fresh start and an opportunity to shift our focus. Aquarius is the sign of humanity, posing the question of the Aquarian Age: How do we be true to ourselves and honor our unique individuality while at the same time subordinate our personal will when necessary for the welfare of the collective?
When Jupiter and Saturn made their conjunction on the December Solstice in 2020 they announced a 20-year phase of transition into the Aquarian Age. Of course it will take us much longer to fulfill the potential of Aquarius, but we must make a start right now. We are evolving toward something bigger. If we trace evolution, life on Earth started with a single cell that learned how to divide itself. Eventually cells came together to form organisms which evolved through increasing layers of complexity and cooperation. Our bodies function because trillions of cells and organisms work together to keep us going. When they go rogue, we get sick. Enough rogue cells – like cancer cells that turn on the body, or immune cells that can’t shut down – can bring about our demise. The same holds true for a society.
Life is fractal and scaled. The structure of an atom recapitulates solar systems. Patterns repeat from the smallest to the largest scale. New species evolve through the cooperation of cells and organisms. What could we accomplish if we organisms worked together? That’s what it’s going to take on a global scale to address our climate crisis, but we’re too busy arguing about vaccines and masks!
So what does the New Moon Chart tell us about how to work with the energies?
New Moon Chart
The New Moon occurs on Monday, January 31 at 12+ Aquarius. The preponderance of planets is in the USA 1st and 2nd Houses. Mars, Vesta and Venus are in Capricorn in the First House activating our national Eris, the planet of discord, exclusion and creation through chaos. We see her at work in our political system. We see her influence in the angry invective exchanged between diverse segments of our population. We argue about everything and agree on nothing. How can we possibly function?
Eris points the way – it’s time to overcome our arrogance, defensiveness, self-centeredness and grow up. Before we can have a healthy democracy, we must free ourselves from the tyrrany of personal egos. We’ve been discussing this for the last two years. We’re an adolescent society, reactive, defensive, immature and mis-informed.
Eris asks us to take a look at our collective self-image. We see ourselves as world leaders. Really? Is our example right now worth following? We used to be a beacon of light for the rest of the world. We welcomed immigrants with open arms. Now we throw their children in cages. We were mother to emerging nations. Now we plunder their resources. We see America as the land of plenty, but somehow our children starve while millionaires become billionaires. Does our self-image match our reality?
We have a Sagittarian ascendant – we are dreamers, visionaries, idealists. Our nation was founded on idealistic values. The patriots of the 18th century had a dream to be free of totalitarian rule and yet fascism is on our doorstep. Venus and Vesta in tight conjunction suggest we look to our hearts, rekindle our love and devotion to the ideals of our forefathers.
Mars and Venus will be dancing in and out of conjunction this month. On the 16th of February Mars will catch up to Venus. On the 5th of March Venus will overtake Mars. When these two planets come together it’s an opportunity to balance aggressiveness with gentleness, anger with compassion, ambition with caring. What we need now is the harmonizing influence of Venus. She reminds us to make time for pleasure, loving relationships, appreciation of beauty in our natural world. We will care for our planet when we fall back in love with her. Time in nature can rekindle our love.
Venus and Mars are both in the Morning Star phase of their cycles. You can see them before dawn in the eastern sky. This morning I saw the waning Moon nestled with Mars and Venus shining brightly just above and to the left. It’s a beautiful way to start the day.
Our collective second House is really loaded. This is where we consider our values and our assets. It used to be that our national character was an asset. Now assets only come with dollar signs. Our devotion to capitalism over humanity and the health of our planet will be the death of us if we don’t get clear about what is really important. The pandemic has given us time to reflect and many people have made big changes in their lives.
Of great interest is Mercury’s conjunction with Pluto. Mercury is slowing down and about to make its station on February 3rd. At that point our reality will pick up speed. All planets will be direct until April 30th when Pluto stations. Mercury is asking us to think about what we value. On February 11th Mercury is exactly conjunct Pluto but also trine the North Node. We must think about the future of our nation. What manifests in the future will be a direct result of what we value now. But it isn’t enough to just think about it, we must begin to live according to our values. If we value peace, then we must seek inner peace and avoid conflict. Time to practice what we preach.
Juno and Selena close out the Capricorn planets. Selena is associated with the illuminated path of the Moon on water. It shimmers, it invites us, and shows the way to the future. Juno is the asteroid of partnership and commitment. Can we commit to the path of Light? With our natal South Node conjunct natal Pluto, we need to free ourselves from the darkness in our past in order to move into a better future.
The 2nd House stellium finishes off with Sun and Moon at 12+ degrees of Aquarius, three degrees shy of Saturn at 15. Saturn rules Capricorn and is associated with authority, government, structures and systems that have solidified in our society. Saturn is also co-ruler of Aquarius and that brings us to Uranus.
Uranus, the Great Awakener
2021 was dominated by the square between Saturn in Aquarius and Uranus in Taurus. There will be no exact squares in 2022, but they are still within orb and therefore the struggle between tradition and change will continue. This is so clearly reflected by our two political parties. One wants to keep things the same, even if they no longer serve us. They long to return to some fuzzy golden age in the past when women knew their place and everyone conformed. The other is looking to the future, alarmed at our crumbling infrastructure, the poverty and inequity in economic and social status, the devastation of a pandemic and the horrors of the coming climate crisis. The Saturnian forces are blocking progress. As a result our government is in gridlock and struggling to address the needs of the moment.
In 2022 Uranus takes the upper hand. Change is inevitable and we still have time to choose the outcome. At the New Moon everything points to Uranus. Mars, Venus and Vesta are trine to Uranus, lending energy to awakening, innovation, scientific solutions and unexpected change. The Sun and Moon in Aquarius are square setting up tension and forcing a crisis. Something has to give and this could well be the month it happens.
Jupiter forms an activating sextile to Uranus from Pisces lending tremendous expansion, enthusiasm, hope and a call for us to realize our interdependence – what some are now calling “interbeing.”
Black Moon Lilith is conjunct our natal Sun in Cancer exactly sextile Uranus and opposite Mars. Lilith reminds us that we are all equal, have equal value and equal power. Like Uranus she is an energy of independence – the very forces that created our democracy 246 years ago.
Everything points to change. February will be an interesting month, possibly shocking, definitely surprising. The context is a fresh start in the sign of humanity. Aquarius is about the future – envisioning it, committing to it and ensuring that everyone is included. It will be chaotic, so seek time for silence to refresh and reconnect with your inner depths. This is where our safety, our wisdom and strength reside. This is where we kindle the light.
On Thursday I was privileged to view the first segment of a new film called “Changing of the Gods” based on the book by Richard Tarnas, Cosmos and Psyche. The event was hosted by Astrology Hub. Perhaps some of you saw it.
Astrology Hub has been granted access to this film for free viewing beginning on the 22nd of February. Astrology Hub has encouraged us to extend this invitation to our friends and colleagues. If you are interested in having access to this amazing film, click on the following link and you will be added to the guest list. Information will be sent to you on February 7th. Click here and add your name.
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