Thursday February 11 is the New Moon in Aquarius. Back in December, on the Winter Solstice, Jupiter and Saturn made their cyclic conjunction and launched us into the Age of Aquarius. While opinions vary widely on when we actually cross the threshold and close the door on the Age of Pisces, we have been transitioning for two centuries or so. Gradually humanity has been awakening, one by one by one, and embodying the Aquarian energy. This energy has been circulating and we’ve all been touched.
Whether it’s officially the Age of Aquarius, or not, the emphasis in the Heavens right now is on Aquarius, Humanity’s sign. The focus shifts from money and power and the hoarding of resources, to what’s best for the Whole. Our consciousness shifts from “me and mine” to “we and ours.”
On the New Moon, Aquarius is packed with seven planets and luminaries, the greatest concentration since the 1960’s social revolution. (Luminaries are heavenly bodies that provide light, but are not planets, i.e. Sun and Moon.) Some planets will move on quickly. Others will hang around for a while. Jupiter will sweep through in one year. The Sun will remain for 8 more days while the Moon will leave within hours. Mercury is moving slowly against this flow, retracing its path and picking up the overlooked pieces. He will turn direct on February 23rd and finally arrive in Pisces on March 16th. We have a solid month to process this energy mentally. What is our relationship to the collective? Where are we on the Me/We scale? Where is our fulcrum.
Meanwhile Venus and Jupiter are in a tight embrace and Love is seeking expression. How appropriate as we approach Valentine’s Day – a celebration of Love. The Heavens are booming down at us and drawing our attention to love, beauty, connectedness, caring, tenderness, compassion, as well as sensual and spiritual passion. I had no idea when I signed up for a weekend meditation retreat, and my first class in Mutual Awakening, that Jupiter would be inflating the power of Venus.
I mentioned a week or two ago that I learned about the 9 stages of evolution from a lecture by Carl Calleman. I am now reading his book The Nine Waves of Creation. It’s very illuminating and a fresh way of seeing the miracle of evolution – not from a physical point of view, but a spiritual one. Calleman’s theory has been put into action by Patricia Albere who developed a technique by which we can grow the resonance of Unity on our planet.
I have fantasized about this for decades, knowing in my depths that we are evolving toward a bigger whole, but wondering how will it happen, how could it happen with all the discord between us. In meditation today I began to see something about building love. This process involves working with another person and I began to think “What if I get someone I’m not compatible with?” (That is the civil version of the many thoughts that galloped through my head.) So I posed that question to my meditation and realized that it doesn’t matter what personality is seated before me. What matters is that this person is another Soul just like me. And we share a desire to fulfill the profound destiny of manifesting Heaven on Earth through Love. I also saw that it isn’t about loving the person before me. It’s about building a bubble, so to speak, of love between us. The focus is on the space between. We fill the space between us with Love, and personalities, political parties, religious or ethnic variations are meaningless. We are working together to create a field of resonance that vibrates at the frequency of Love.
I am excited about this idea and see it as our future work. So simple – all we have to do is flow love out of our hearts for half an hour a day! And we rebuild our world two by two by two. We can practice this with loved ones now and then branch out. Eventually we’ll hook up with other Love Bubbles and hold a bigger space together. The more we practice, the more it becomes second nature. This is how we build the world we dream of. What is created in the resonance of Love bears little resemblance to what is created out of competition and rancor.
Saturn and the USA South Node
Saturn will stay in Aquarius for two and a half years. Our wise teacher will help us deal with the unfinished business from our past. It is sitting on the USA South Node at 6 degrees of Aquarius pointing out what needs to be resolved and healed. Saturn is sextile Chiron, the one who teaches self-healing. Furthermore, Pallas Athena is conjunct the New Moon demanding justice.
As I write, the House Managers are presenting the case against Donald Trump in his second impeachment trial. (Someone pointed out yesterday that 50% of the presidents who have been impeached is Donald Trump.) Let’s talk a bit about Unity. It’s the theme of both Aquarius and Pisces. President Biden is calling for it. The Senate Republicans have latched onto it as a justification to drop the trial and let bygones be bygones. They are not asking for Unity. They are asking for agreement and a concession to their will. Unity doesn’t happen by authority. It happens through justice, reconciliation and healing. There are too many victims of Donald Trump – either through his cruel action or his equally cruel inaction – to let him get away with it. There are too many grieving families, too many mothers crying over their abducted babies, too many struggling parents, too many murdered, too many sick or starving, to forget about it.
Unity doesn’t mean a small group of elite who all agree with each other and hold all the cards. It doesn’t mean a segment of our society capitulates and remains enslaved by resentment. It doesn’t even mean 51%. It means everyone and there is absolutely no reason on Earth that any of us should suffer poverty a moment longer. We have so much abundance. There is a surfeit for all.
I am encouraged by all the signs of change, not only from the Biden Administration, but among our citizenry. Right now the focus is the impeachment trial, but once justice prevails, we can let it go. Donald Trump will be censored and never able to rabble-rouse our baser instincts. Others will try to fill his role, but we will have put our foot down once more on Fascism and met this challenge to our Democracy.
The Nodal Axis
Neptune and the nodal axis are separating from their T-Square, but still within two degrees. On this Full Moon, Neptune is opposite Vesta. While Saturn and Athena are standing up for Justice, while Jupiter and Venus are calling us to Love, and Mercury is reviewing our recent past, Neptune is opposite Vesta opening a portal to the deepest part of our inner selves – to our devotion to all that is sacred. This Neptune/Vesta axis squares the Nodal Axis signaling a call to action. A Grand Square is an incredible opportunity not only to see a blockage, or a fixed pattern, but understand how to release it.
The Nodal Axis is the axis of evolution. We each have our own private paths, but collectively we are now being asked to dig deep within and find our devotion; to surrender to the currents and let ourselves be drawn by Spirit; to reflect upon what is holding us back and take action to shift it and let it go. In the USA chart, the South Node is in our first house – the “ME House.” It’s pointing out our collective ego identity. The North Node is in the 7th house, the “We House.” We don’t want to sacrifice ourselves, martyr ourselves. Nor do we want to remain self-absorbed, only looking out number 1. How do we find the balance point?
Saturn square Uranus
Saturn in Aquarius is perfecting its first square to Uranus. The big event happens next Wednesday, February 17th. Such an interesting synchronicity with the trial. In our physical reality Saturn is conservative, patriarchal, institutional. It holds societies together with laws, rules, and a hierarchy of authority. As it squares Uranus, it reaches a point of extreme tension. Uranus breaks up the status quo. It forces change.
I cannot predict how it will be reflected in our “reality,” but I know the vision I’m going to hold. I’m going to see Senate Republicans change their minds. I’m going to see justice prevail. I’m going to visualize the success of the first step toward healing our nation and moving us toward Unity. We can create thought bubbles, just like Love bubbles. We can visualize our optimum outcome and bring in our devotion to the truth. We can send it out into the world with the blessing of our Love and desire for healing.
During the month ahead many choices will be made, many decisions acted upon. In many ways our future will be determined. Do we remain trapped in a constant struggle between progress and resistance? Do we cling to our dysfunction? Can we tap into the power of Love to ease the fear of letting go? Can we open our minds to new perception and admit the truth? I believe we can. We can be the observers, not the reactors, and the more of us that actually devote time and attention to putting forth our best, the better our chances.
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