At the beginning of the year I mentioned that the focus of 2021 will be on the outer planets, the transpersonal planets. But that doesn’t mean the inner planets aren’t at work. Outer planets refer to eras and epochs. Social planets – Jupiter and Saturn – represent collective consciousness. They come together every 20 years to begin a new cycle of social change. Personal planets inform our daily lives and inner world. Currently they are all undergoing shifts, opening up a two-month window of opportunity for us to shift along with them, to gain insight and see the world with new eyes.
We are moving through a difficult transition, not just socially and politically, but personally, biologically, energetically. We are being bathed in a new frequency that is working throughout our nervous systems and it may be uncomfortable for a while. I don’t know about you, but until just recently, I have not been able to reach deep sleep. I awaken 3-7 times during the night and feel my body as a network of open energy circuits. For the last month or so, it has been intense. I’ve had sudden uncontrollable itches. I feel tiny shooting pains that can appear anywhere, for no apparent reason.
This is how my body is accommodating the new energy. Jupiter and Saturn moved dramatically into Aquarius with their Winter Solstice conjunction in December. Venus is in her Gemini Cycle while Mars is in its Libra cycle. Mercury is in Aquarius, as is Venus, and Mars is moving toward Gemini. These are all air signs and have to do with the mental realm. This enormous synchronicity between personal planets is there to support the transmutation of our energy frequency.
That may sound pretty woo-woo, but we know that the Universe is made up of energy which flickers in and out of matter constantly. Bottom line – we are waves temporarily in particle form. We are evolving just as the Universe is. The Creation will never stop. It is eternal. It just IS. Wrap your head around that concept. It can blow your mind.
The first half of human evolution began with involution – a precipitating out of the energy field into physical being, evolving through a multiplying complexity of forms until our human consciousness was ready to awaken. We have reached the end of that journey and are at the turning point. We’re headed back up the evolutionary V and as we evolve we will become lighter, vibrating at higher and higher frequencies. Many of us have already begun this ascent. Many more are joining us.
We have been deeply embedded in our physical reality. The majority of us believe it is the only reality, but it isn’t a fixed reality. It’s the illusion created out of our personal belief systems. Look at the amazing array of realities that are coexisting now. It’s mind-boggling. We each have our own version of what is going on out there, but the bottom line is we see reality through our filters which have evolved through early conditioning, education, constant advertising, personal experience and the influence of countless other people.
As we are engulfed in the frequencies of the Air element, we can begin to see more clearly. We just have to allow ourselves be to lifted into a higher frequency and be willing to shed the blinders that have limited our vision. So let’s look at the personal planets and see what they suggest.
On January 30th, Mercury turned retrograde after passing through most of Aquarius. It now is retracing the steps of the last three months. I think we will agree that the past three months were pretty intense and there’s a lot to process. Mercury began the current cycle on October 25th at 2 degrees of Scorpio. Our minds have been in contact with the underworld and as we emerge, we are shocked by how dark a journey it was.
From now until February 8th we have a chance to gather the harvest of personal lessons, insights and realizations that we might have overlooked in the frenzy of political conflict and pandemic devastation. We can all benefit from sitting with our journals and writing about what the last three months were like. In the process Mercury will offer up some suggestions. What comes up? How does your body feel? What was going on emotionally? Were you afraid, angry, heartbroken, joyous, relieved?
On February 8th retrograde Mercury will conjunct the Sun and begin a new cycle in Aquarius. One of the themes of Aquarius is self-actualization. By that I mean, coming into our full potential and sharing our gifts. Aquarius is the sign of Humanity. There are no bystanders in Aquarius. Everyone participates. And that is what makes it so extraordinary. What if everyone brought forth their best and shared it with the world? Imagine! What could we create out of that fertile soil?
Which brings us to Venus. Mercury works on the mental plane. Venus speaks to our heart and gut. We think of Venus as love, beauty, romance, relationship, etc. What do they all have in common? Inspiration. Remember what it feels like to fall, or be passionately in love? Life is magical. Venus is the source of inspiration – literally meaning “inhaling Spirit.”
Venus, of course, carries the feminine energy of receptivity. We have been taught to do and strive and work and achieve and keep grasping for what is just beyond our reach. Venus bestows her gifts generously. All we need to do is learn how to receive. That means slowing down and witnessing how she manifests in our lives. It requires conscious presence.
Venus has been a morning star since last August 13th. On January 31st she moved below the horizon and under the beams of the Sun. She is in what Adam Gainsburg calls her “Immersion” phase. Adam has done extensive research into the phases of both Venus and Mars parsing out their meaning from his readings with clients, his observations and research. His website is where you can find his library of courses on Venus and Mars. The following information on these two planets has been inspired by Adam’s work.
Venus is invisible right now so we must seek her within. When Venus approaches the Sun from the far side and disappears from view, she is headed for her superior conjunction which is symbolically equivalent to the Full Moon. She is Full Venus, only we cannot see her through the brightness of the Sun. This conjunction marks the half-way point in her cycle which began last June at 13 Gemini.
According to Adam, the Immersion phase involves a deep releasing of old self-identities. Think of the Sun burning off the dross, the baggage we’ve been carrying, the limiting beliefs about who we are. We are invited to discover where love and power really come from. During this phase we may be challenged to step into our personal power and authenticity. We are being drawn toward something bigger than ourselves, and we find our way not by controlling or struggling or forcing, but by surrendering to the evolutionary impulse. When we sink deeper within, where the current is flowing, we may feel a sense of destiny which will grow stronger over the next two months. And that brings us to Mars.
Mars is an evening star right now, not as bright as it was overhead at midnight last summer, because Earth is pulling away from slower-moving Mars. The effect is that Mars’ redness dims as he recedes. Nevertheless Mars is accelerating in his orbit. On January 23rd he moved into his “Destiny Challenge Phase.” At this point Mars is square the Sun, from Taurus to Aquarius. Squares are challenges and require attention. Unlike oppositions, we cannot squarely face the problem. It seems to sideswipe us.
Adam describes the qualities of this Destiny Challenge phase as follows:
It involves a deep reconciling to something bigger than ourselves. We will feel compelled to act on our deepest desires and convictions.
We can expect major transformations around our life purpose and the role we play, or contribution we can make to our society.
We can no longer just make a mental note of our life lessons. It is time to embody them.
We will be challenged to reach further back into our past for healing.
Our individual growth will reflect our social dharma – the role we came to play in our society, our life-long issues and our developed gifts.
And we will come to face our fear of failure in order to embrace our soul calling.
In other words, these are the issues that we must meet in order to embrace our soul calling, or destiny. Mars will bring challenges and it is up to us to respond from our authenticity. We’re going to hear this word more frequently in the coming months. This commodity has been in short supply in recent years. People want the real thing. This is what engenders trust and we have the hard job ahead of rebuilding public, as well as private, trust.
Throughout 2020 we were challenged by Saturn and Pluto to strengthen our integrity, to take full responsibility for ourselves and our impact on others, to assess our values and to live by them. This year we will be challenged to awaken, to see reality through new eyes and to bring our integrity to meet each moment. We are cultivating embodied presence. For the next two months, the personal planets are supporting this awakening. Take time to reflect, open to what inspires you, sink down into your inner world and find your heart’s true desire. Then meet the obstacles that stand in the way to challenge your commitment.
Next week is the New Moon in Aquarius – more air to come.
I’m resonating with so much of what you wrote, Diana, that it’s actually hard to formulate any comments with just simple words. First off, thank you for speaking to how our bodies are responding to the new frequency that is working throughout our nervous systems. I’ve started feeling completely awake (and alive) around 2:30 to 3 a.m. the past several nights, and it’s been difficult to fall back asleep. This first week of February, I’ve looked up into the night sky while walking our dog, and have had this connection with the heavens that I don’t know how to describe. Last night, Feb 5, I looked up, and was completely swept away for the briefest moment… that is lasting into this next day. I feel so much more than just a human being, wrapped up in this era of humanity that is brimming with passion, but also rage. I feel a new arc of inner work is upon me, and am smiling within. I am focused on the functions of love and passion, and have let go of wanting to know what form might come next. I am embracing the unknown at a whole new level, and it feels powerful, beautiful, and brimming with possibility.
Diana Vilas
How beautiful! I suspect you are tapping into the 9th Wave, Michael. I haven’t written about this yet, except to mention in passing. The 9th Wave is Unity Consciousness – not just being aware that we are all one conceptually, but experiencing being one with All That Is. It is the highest state of consciousness we can attain and it is available to all of us now, when we are ready.
Next Saturday I begin a course of study with Patricia Albere who has been experiencing this wave since it came in shortly after the end of the Mayan Calendar. I’m very excited about this work. She has created a community of souls around the world who practice accessing this elevated state of consciousness on a daily basis.
If you are interested, I recommend two books: The Nine Waves of Creation, by Carl Calleman and Evolutionary Relationships, by Patricia Albere. If you are really interested in this work, go to and read about the training that starts next week. She also has a couple of YouTube videos you can watch to get a feel for how authentic she is.