Chiron conjunct the North Node signals the beginning of a deep healing process that builds toward a climax of awakening at the Jupiter/Uranus conjunction on April 20th.
New Moon in Aquarius: Pluto Initiates Personal Planets
February is a month of initiations as personal planets move into Aquarius and conjunct Pluto, beginning new cycles of Awakening.
Full Moon in Leo: Cultivate Playfulness
Pluto in the first degree of Aquarius squares Haumea at the beginning of Scorpio, Pluto’s domain. What are these two cooking up in the Underworld?
Pluto Enters Aquarius
Just a short note about Pluto’s sign shift. The Lord of the Underworld enters Aquarius at 4:50 p.m. PST on January 20th. (FYI football fans – that’s ten minutes before the 49ers/Packers playoff game.) There are a few highlights I didn’t share earlier. The Sun also enters Aquarius early in the morning of the 20th, […]