This time of intense inner transformation prepares us for the big event of the year – Jupiter conjunct Uranus on April 20th, just before the Full Moon.
Full Moon in Libra: The Dark Before the Dawn
When we have a lunar eclipse, our emotions surface to help us discover shadow material.
Spring Equinox: Slipping into the Flow
A major theme of this year will be rethinking our reality. I guess we had to plough through a field of alternative facts before remembering the value of truth.
New Moon in Pisces: Awakening to the Divine Within
I promised weeks ago that we would take a deeper look at Sedna, and now is the time. The New Moon activates this Archetype. If you recall, Sedna is the new outer limit of our solar system. Originally it was Saturn, the boundary of our senses, but we had a paradigm shift and developed telescopes […]