While we focus on the political drama, a far greater spiritual purpose is at work in our unconscious. We are being propelled by the Evolutionary Impulse toward a higher state of consciousness, a collective quantum leap into a more enlightened awareness, and we’ve run into the brick wall of our pain.
Chapter 10: Saturn in Libra: America’s Spiritual Destiny
We can argue for our limitations or step into our power and become “Evolutionaries,” agents of transformation. Saturn is key to this process.
Crisis of Information
“I think we risk becoming the best informed society that has ever died of ignorance.” – Ruben Blades, singer/songwriter/actor/activist Yesterday, July 21st, retrograde Mercury conjoined the Sun close to the Earth. This event is known as Cazimi, a Medieval term meaning in this case that Mercury is in the heart of the Sun. It is […]
Lunar Eclipse: Childhood’s End
This lunar eclipse gifts us with the opportunity to dispel some shadows. It’s a time to clean out the psychic basement.