In the pursuit of wealth, we have lost our moral compass. As a result we have racked up centuries of crimes against humanity and we must make amends.
Chapter 19: Caught up in a Paradigm Shift
A paradigm is basically a hypothesis about Reality supported by a consensus authority that eventually trickles down into the populace and is accepted as fact. A paradigm is a safety net. Everyone is content when they think they know what’s going on.
Chapter 18: Pluto/Saturn Cycles: What Goes Around . . .
enever Saturn and Pluto are conversing, arm and arm in conjunction, or across the table in opposition, our collective fear gets triggered. Our Cancer Sun seeks more security. More security means less privacy.
Lessons from Libra
The New Moon in Libra brings important messages and opportunities for the USA. The Sun and Moon come together in America’s 10th house right at the mid-heaven, revealing our potential to lead the world into peace, if only we can get our act together. These “luminaries” are high overhead, like a giant light bulb, birthing […]