We are being shaken out of our stupor. All to move us out of our comfort zone, and bring us into the present moment. This is Saturn’s mission – to grow us up.
Full Moon in Sagittarius: Deep Spiritual Illumination
As I sat down to write this newsletter, a song popped into my head, “Oh what a beautiful morning!” As I examined the Full Moon chart, it was singing the same song. This Moon has enormous potential for regeneration, insight, aspiration, spiritual awakening, expanded consciousness and dreaming our wildest dreams. I might go so far […]
New Moon in Taurus: Embodiment
When we have Pluto preparing the way for transformation, trine Sedna, who draws us forth on our spiritual path, we get a powerful boost in our evolution.
Waking Up!
Following on the heels of an intense total solar eclipse that once again cut a swathe across the United States, Jupiter and Uranus come together to boost us into a new reality. Civilization begins a new cycle of growth and transformation, but it is especially significant for the United States because our Chiron Return occurs […]