“This is the struggle we’re now in, a struggle for democracy, a struggle for decency and dignity, a struggle for prosperity and progress, a struggle for the very soul of America itself.” Public Address by President Joe Biden 11/2/22 I had a hard time narrowing down my choice for the opening quote. Our president made […]
Partial Solar Eclipse in Scorpio: Facing Fears/Opening Hearts
We are, and have been, immersed in a climate of confusion and illusion, generated by the opposition of transiting Neptune to our natal Neptune.
Full Moon in Aries: War and Peace
We are blessed on October 22nd, just before our mid-term elections, to have the first Venus Star Point in Libra in 239 years, coinciding with our nation’s Pluto Return. And to top it off, the Sun/Venus conjunction will take place at 29 degrees of Libra, conjunct the dwarf planet Haumea, the goddess of regeneration and rebirth.
New Moon in Libra: Existential Dilemma
At the New Moon in Libra conjunct Mercury and the Super-Galactic-Center we face the existential dilemma of authenticity vs belonging.