On the moment of Mercury’s station today, he was holding hands with Venus at the same degree. Mercury represents our mental realm. Venus is about pleasure and desire and this is part of our quest – What do we really want?
December Solstice and the New Moon in Capricorn: Rebirth
The theme is new beginnings, the return of Light, symbolically the triumph of light over dark and the return of Hope as we begin to see our dreams bear fruit.
Full Moon in Gemini: Right Use of Will
Every Full Moon is about illumination and in Gemini it can be truly enlightening.
New Moon in Sagittarius: Looking Forward
As the Moon is recharged by Spirit in the 1st degree, Venus and Mercury are conjunct at 9 and 10 degrees of Sagittarius, just 2 degrees from our nation’s Ascendant. Head and heart come together to inspire heart-felt dreams.