On Friday we have the second event of our eclipse season. Remember this lunar cycle began on Christmas Day with a total solar eclipse. Friday is the Full Moon, the corresponding eclipse in this season. It will be what’s called a “penumbral” eclipse. It will not occlude the moon; rather it will cast a shadow, creating a blurred image of the moon’s surface.
The imagery is significant. We are not totally in the dark any more, but the light we receive is blurred and hazy. The future is still unknown, but perhaps a bit more ominous as one of the possibilities has raised its head. We could repeat the tragedies of the past and go to war, carrying ugliness, hatred, suffering, violence and destruction with us. Or we can choose something else.
What would that look like? This is the question Friday’s eclipse moon poses. It’s location in the USA birth chart is revealing. The Sun is at 20 Capricorn, exactly conjunct Mercury in the 2nd house. Our life force, our vitality is activating our minds to reflect upon our values. What do we love? What do we long for? What do we want for our children and the future of humanity? What do we want for our beautiful planet?
Within two degrees of one another, in the second house, five planets have gathered pointing the cosmic hour hand to values. The Sun, Mercury (mind and communication), Ceres (Mother Earth), Saturn (stern father) and Pluto, Lord of the underworld who destroys in order to transform, are closely packed between 20 and 22 degrees. The second house is ruled by Venus who holds our ideals of love, beauty, connection. She provides the context of our soul-searching.
To add to the emphasis, the USA progressed moon is at 19 degrees of Capricorn, bringing receptive, feminine energy, helping us open to our feelings, connect with our hearts and feel into our deepest inner desire. Our collective mind is processing what’s going on. As each of us chooses for ourselves, as each of us touches into our deep craving for peace, for fellowship, for a healthy home, for good will, for truth and beauty and goodness, we will be casting our vote in the collective mind. We will be impacting the collective will.
It may be difficult to believe that your choice has impact. We have been conditioned to feel powerless, but the truth lies deep within your heart. It is there for all of us to discover. It is the spark of Soul, connected to Spirit, from which all consciousness flows. This flow of Spirit has more power to create than humans have weapons to destroy. It has more light than the darkness through which we grope. It is our God-given power, there for the taking. It has belonged to us forever and will always be ours. It holds wisdom, compassion and truth which will guide us. It IS us.
This is what awakening is all about, and from our awakening will flow ever-expanding faith. This is the choice we can all make, to turn to our source within our own consciousness, to clear the debris out of the way and head for that inner light. If you haven’t already, it would be an excellent time to begin meditation. Keep it simple. Focus on just sitting and being. Stop doing for 20 or 30 minutes. Just be. It’s how you get to know yourself and it’s where all the answers lie.
One of the key challenges for this year will be dealing with discord. In the USA chart, at the Full Moon, Jupiter is conjunct the South Node within two degrees of natal Eris. The South Node holds our collective hang ups, the karma we have accumulated, in this case collectively, since the birth of this nation. We were born in war. We have been at war ever since. This is our opportunity for transformation and rebirth. We could birth a peaceful world at this point if we choose it. This is the potential of Pluto. We can create total disaster, or the most amazing thing we can think of – Peace on Earth – the very phrase we sing about at Christmas and forget by January 2nd.
Jupiter makes things bigger. If you can’t hear the whisper, Jupiter will boom his thunder until you get the message. He has opened up the floodgates of discord and is asking, “Is this what you want?” Eris points the way. I have told the story of Eris multiple times and won’t repeat it, but the moral of the Eris myth is that we need to watch our triggers. Discord, and potential disaster, happen when an old issue gets triggered and we react. Eris points out our sensitive spots. Then it’s up to us to get clear about them rather than react defensively, giving in to our pride or resentment.
The worst danger right how is our hair-trigger president. He is highly defensive, easily slighted, holds grudges until death and would disturb the universe to protect his ego. Perhaps only Congress has control over that, but if we are willing, we can use our spiritual will to envision him doing the right thing. If we continue to expect the worst, we will get it. Our thoughts are things – they have weight and influence. We swim in a sea of thoughts, ideas, feelings. We form beliefs, develop attitudes. We begin to create realities out of this quantum soup.
Everything precipitates out of this quantum consciousness. Everything is important now and matters very much. The best we can do is not get sucked into the whirlpool of negativity. We hold a force field with our optimism, our visions of a brighter future, our dreams for a peaceful world. We create a new world with our good will and compassion. We shift reality with unconditional happiness.
We are not helpless, not hopeless. And we are not alone. The evidence from the heavens says otherwise. It speaks to us of support – the solar system aligning with our higher will to make a quantum leap in consciousness and cocreate a new reality. We just have to do our part. And what is that? We have to clean up our inner mess, confront our ego issues, integrate our shadow material, make peace with the past and forgive ourselves. This is psychology 101. It was a driving force of evolution throughout the 20th century preparing us for the spiritual leap in the 21st. – Spirituality 2.0.
I just have to point out a few more amazing synchronicities in the Full Moon Chart. Chiron is at the base, building a new foundation for our nation and synchronistically conjunct progressed Ceres. Chiron is telling us that the strength of our foundation depends upon the health of our Earth. We are interdependent in every sense. The efforts we make to heal our environment will strengthen the very foundation of existence. Chiron in Aries speaks of a whole new cycle of healing for all life. It demands our courage and commitment. It asks the spiritual warrior within each of us to come forth and protect – our planet, our social contract, our future generations, as well as the goodness that lies deep in the heart of humanity.
Finally, the USA progressed Sun is conjunct Sedna, the new outer limit of our solar system. We are joining our life force with that of our greatest potential. Sedna has opened the door to enlightenment. She lies at 15 degrees of Pisces, right in the middle where Neptune has been moving back and forth for the past year, calling attention to our spirituality. Humanity now has the potential at hand to awaken and realize who we really are.
What an exciting year! Mars is currently in Sagittarius activating our dreams of the future. Take some time, every day if you can, to center yourself. Balance, self-care, sleep, exercise – these are our allies. Feel the fullness of opportunity and allow all that potential to spark your imagination and lift your heart.
Sunday is the Saturn/Pluto conjunction. More on that soon.
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