Out of Bounds and retrograde, Mars opposes Pluto to kick off a New Year of cosmic change.
America Betrayed
I was asked yesterday if I were going to send out a post for the 11/11 Portal. I don’t follow numerology, so I really cannot speak to the significance of the day, although my limited research informs me that 11/11 is a great day to manifest your dreams. The numbers line up in numeric harmony […]
New Moon in Scorpio: Claiming our Sovereignty
Just prior to the U.S. election, Mars will oppose Pluto at the final degrees of Cancer and Capricorn respectively. We can expect a power struggle.
Full Moon in Aries: Chiron as Mentor
In November we will be choosing the world we want to live in: one of fear or love? of domination or equality? of cutthroat competition or amiable cooperation? of nightmare or our finest dreams?