December energies continue to build as the Moon opposes the Sun on the 18th. We have been living for the last 19 months under the influence of the nodal axis in Gemini and Sagittarius. We have been challenged to seek the truth. We have been inundated with information both true and false. And now the Gemini Full Moon brings all of this into focus. What have we learned in two years? What beliefs have been challenged? What illusions shattered? And most of all, what dreams have we held in our hearts for the future of our planet and all humanity?
December could be turbulent, or it could be spiritually fulfilling. The choice is up to us. I think I’ll begin with a list of December events and speak of them in order.
12/13 Mars into Sagittarius
12/15 Mars conjunct the South Node
Last Monday Mars moved out of Scorpio, his home in murky depths, into the light and fire of Sagittarius. A journey into the depths is an initiation, a descent into the underworld, facing demons, battling enemies, cleansing through tears and suffering, and then returning regenerated, indeed reborn. This is a classic archetypal cycle of renewal, as Spring renews life after Winter.
This archetypal process plays out every year at this time, but as the Sun enters Sagittarius, we emerge into our inner light, warmed by the fire and energy of our Inner Sun. It bathes our dreams, inspires ideals, opens our minds to possibilities, dares us to hope and aspire to something better.
On December 15th Mars was conjunct the South Node. We have looked at the South Node as the repository of our past experience. As the South Node is the tail end, and thus the eliminating end of the nodal dragon, some astrologers interpret this as Karma. Even that word is misunderstood. Basically the thinking is that we cannot move forward until we free ourselves from the bonds of the past. So the South Node is about making peace with the past, releasing dark energies that tie us down, fears that throw up obstacles to our evolution. We all have attachments that drag us back to the past.
12/18 The Full Moon in Gemini
On Saturday evening, the Moon opposes the Sun at 8:35 pm PST.
We enter this Full Moon filled with the history of the last 19 months. Gemini is one of Mercury’s natural homes and represents the mental realm, what we think, what we believe according to our perceptions, which are increasingly overlaid by societal conditioning. This Full Moon is the climax not only of the Gemini/Sagittarius eclipse season, but of their nodal cycle. It’s time to get clear about what we want and commit to it, because 2022 has great potential. Basically next year will be the tipping point, one way or the other.
This Full Moon happens with the Sun at 27 degrees of Sagittarius, conjunct the Galactic Center. There is much discussion about this unseen real estate, but a consensus seems to be forming that this degree is a portal to higher consciousness. We can access information and see a bigger picture. That sounds great to me.
The Moon is at 27 degrees of Gemini on what is called the Gate of Man. For the USA it happens in the 7th House of relationships a House ruled by Venus addressing all the qualities of the Divine Feminine – peace, harmony, gentleness, beauty and the wisdom of the heart. As Spiritual insight flows from the Galactic Center through Sagittarius to be reflected by the Full Moon, we might want to think about our relationship to the collective. Are we soloists? Do we hold the belief that humans are fallen and corrupted. Can we move beyond self-absorption to concern for the fate of humanity?
What I find so remarkable about this Full Moon chart is the many planets at the last few degrees of signs. It speaks of endings. We have been growing and evolving through a psychic phase of intensity in Capricorn and beginning to integrate the energies of Aquarius, both signs ruled by Saturn. Furthermore, we have been gathering information and forming new beliefs about reality through the influence of the nodal axis. Energies are about to shift as several planets are winding up their passage through various signs. So let’s look at the multiple themes involved.
Sedna, the new outer limit of our Solar System, is at 28 degrees of Taurus. She’s in the 6th House of health and daily habits. I feel Sedna has been trying to reconnect us with the Earth, reminding us that simple pleasures are the sweetest. She will enter Gemini on June 15, 2023 and leave behind the blueprint of her presence which will unfold as other planets make aspects to Taurus. Sedna represents the new boundary to our expanding consciousness. Because of her great distance from Pluto, the former boundary of our solar system, Sedna is a symbol of our evolution into galactic citizenry. I anticipate big change as Uranus completes its 7-year residence in this sign.
Haumea is at 29 Libra. I have just finished a six-week course on Haumea and want to introduce her to you throughout next year. Basically she is the dwarf planet that symbolizes rebirth, creativity, joy in living, and a deep connection with the natural world. She has been traveling through the USA 10th House which is about our reputation and impact on the world. Haumea has been seeding regeneration, renewal, and the pure joy of being alive. I believe she has created the blueprint for a future of peace and good relations around the world.
I’ve mentioned the Sun at 27 Sagittarius, but when we get to Capricorn, we find Pluto at 25 degrees, Venus at 26. And finally Jupiter at 28 Aquarius. As for how these planets relate, there is a Grand Trine with the Moon to Haumea and Jupiter. All the planets will resonate with this trine. It’s a beautiful harmony with the energies of joy and renewal, of optimism and faith, and our collective Moon which represents on the one hand, our population, but beyond that to the Zeitgeist which is the sum total of experience and what we believe it means.
This theme of beliefs is in high relief right now. I signed up for a class called “Forbidden Science.” How could I resist? Gregg Braden and Nassim Haramein lecture on the nature of reality as revealed by the new science. The classes are about half an hour long, just about the amount of time it takes to blow my mind. I have found myself questioning my own beliefs. The first example was “If this is true, then what happens to reincarnation? Is it possible that reincarnation isn’t personal?” I hope you’re intrigued by that. It has led me to new questions about spirituality.
So with all these planets winding up the signs they have been in, some for long periods of time, we can expect much change next year as one by one the energies shift. We’ll get into that a bit more in the forecast for 2022. This Full Moon on the first and seventh house axis emphasizes the Self/Other theme. I believe the next 2600 years will give us the opportunity to resolve that issue. But right now America is coming to a real crisis.
Other Events in December
12/19 Venus stations retrograde (SR)
Chiron turns direct (SD)
Sun sextile Jupiter
12/21 Sun moves into Capricorn, December Solstice
12/23 Saturn square to Uranus
12/25 Venus conjunct Pluto
12/26 Mercury sextile Neptune
12/28 Jupiter enters Pisces
12/29 Mercury conjunct Venus
Mars sextile Saturn
12/30 Mercury conjunct Pluto
We can see how the energies build and dance with one another from the Full Moon to New Year’s Eve. On the 19th, Venus turns retrograde. That very same day Chiron goes direct. This synchronicity is worth examination. Basically Venus is winding down her Gemini Phase and on a path to reunite with the Sun where the two will create a new Star Point in Capricorn, our guiding light for the next cycle.
Chiron has been working in the 4th House, the realm of our home environment. Chiron heals by bringing up old wounds. If we cannot heal them, we must learn to live with them. Our home environment is pretty scary right now. It’s all uncertainty and conflict. Crises loom and we squabble, or worse terrorize and murder one another.
This is the setting for the unfolding drama of Venus in Capricorn. She has her work cut out.
On December 19 the Sun is sextile Jupiter from late Sagittarius. Sextiles are activating aspects. Jupiter makes everything bigger. We could open to inspiration, let in that spark of hope, remember along with the wounds, the times that we were on fire with ideals and vision. This sextile can catapult us into a beautiful Christmas season. We just need to be aware and let ourselves be launched.
The Sun moves into Capricorn on the 21st. We have to skip the Solstice analysis this year, but it is worthwhile acknowledging the moment when the Sun stands still far in the South and light begins to return. This too is a theme for 2022.
So we have all these lovely energies and then on December 23rd, Saturn moves into its final exact square with Uranus. This is the climax of their “crisis of faith phase” that has ruled this year. We have witnessed the struggle between the past and the future, between fear and resistance to change on the one hand, and the pioneer spirit on the other. It is manifesting in all of us and glaringly in our society. Uranus is asking us to let go of the past, reclaim our freedom and bring our focus to the future we want to create.
This aspect can bring conflict, if we choose. The way to avoid it is to be aware and commit to being in our hearts where the conflict can be resolved. Love is the universal solvent.
On Christmas Day Venus makes her second conjunction with Pluto. I have so much to say about Venus and this new cycle which begins in January, but I believe the theme is “maturing the heart.” Think about what that means to you. I believe it is the key to our salvation. When Venus is with Pluto there is an empowerment of love and all that Venus represents.
The day after Christmas Mercury will be sextile Neptune. It can be a peaceful, dreamy day. Neptune is the higher octave of Venus. We may have fuzzy minds, but we can find comfort in our hearts.
On the 28th, Jupiter enters Pisces. For two years Jupiter has been under the thumb of Saturn. He breaks free in Pisces which is one of his natural homes. Jupiter brings exuberance, optimism, an expansion of faith and good will. Pisces knows no boundaries, so there’s no limit to the spiritual growth, awareness, and compassion that can transform us during this time.
On the 29th Mercury is conjunct Venus – a marriage of heart and head. At the same time Mars will sextile Saturn. Stay in heart/brain coherence and it won’t be a problem. Mars is quick to anger and Saturn can get grumpy, but don’t take the bait.
Finally on the 30th, Mercury conjuncts Pluto. Just before the New Year, Mercury stands before the Lord of the Underworld. It can mess with our minds but the choices we make can have long lasting effects.
I usually don’t do these daily horoscope sort of things, but I hope this roadmap can guide us through the holidays and keep us mindful of pitfalls and opportunities. Finally, on to next year!
2022: The Year of Sovereignty
Why do I call it that? Because Venus is spending the first two months in Capricorn during which time she shifts from the Gemini Cycle to the Capricorn cycle. In its highest vibration this sign is about mastery. Cap is associated with The Goat and we see Tarot images of a goat standing atop a mountain. Thus it has come to represent ambition but also success after a long hard climb. I think we can agree it has been a challenging climb out of confusion, terror, fear and doubt, as well as anxiety for our nation.
In Capricorn we get to see clearly what does and doesn’t work. We learn Saturn’s lessons and take responsibility for more and more of our reality. As we do that we mature. We gain sovereignty over our lives. That’s not the same as control. Instead it’s dominion.
We have had a lot of Capricorn events and there will be a big one for the USA in February next year. We have experienced the heaviness of this sign. Venus brings her gentleness and wisdom, and in the darkness of Capricorn is reborn, more whole having completed yet another full cycle.
Venus’ conjunction with the Sun is on January 8th and on that very day Uranus turns direct. Another synchronicity. I see a powerful opportunity for change. I get the feeling that Venus and Uranus can work together to bring about a kinder world.
But Venus is not the only star. Jupiter transits Pisces and makes a spectacular conjunction with Neptune on April 12th. Astrologers have been waiting for this with great anticipation. The two rulers of Pisces come together to expand our spiritual awareness.
And another major shift in energy comes from the Nodes. The North Node regresses from Gemini to Taurus meeting up with Sedna and eventually Uranus. The shift from Air/Mental to Earth/embodiment will be dramatic. As Venus teaches us how to mature our hearts, the North Node is drawing us back in touch with our bodies, with nature and Mother Earth. Time to “get down!” Venus rules Taurus, and in this aspect she represents enjoyment of life, but also the essential elements that we cherish – our values. We all will heal and recover when we begin to value ourselves, each other and the natural world in which we are embedded. These two energies can promote a paradigm shift, or at the very least ease our flow into the Aquarian Age.
We have been so caught up in what we think and what we believe that we’ve lost touch with what really matters. We see more and more evidence of people waking up to that fact. It’s exciting.
I seem to be painting a pretty picture of 2022, and the first few months can definitely be a respite, but we must remember that on February 20, Pluto returns to his natal place in our nation’s chart. This dramatic reunion has been going on for a few years. We’re all pretty clear what’s at stake. We are fighting to keep our democracy. We may get a boost from the House Committee investigation January 6th, 2020. I believe much will be revealed through the public hearings. We don’t know when those will be, but before we chart a new course when Jupiter moves into Aries in May. But that’s another story.
Things aren’t going to change overnight. The conflict will remain, but the energies will shift and the new climate will not support it. Saturn and Uranus will continue to approach and recede from a Square, never quite reaching the perfection, but reminding us throughout the year that we have an unresolved issue. The Mid-term elections will determine the outcome. So 2022 is a crucial year, but I believe it’s the year we say “no” to the way things are and begin to shift them. I even heard a prediction that 2022 will bring a total flip of reality. We’ll see.
At any rate, the energies of early 2022 will fortify us and help us hold higher personal frequencies where more positive emotions dwell, so we can make choices with an awareness of their impact. 2022 is about taking full responsibility for everything – our thoughts, our emotions, our behavior, our relations. This is the path to Sovereignty.
I hope to be back for the New Moon in Capricorn on January 2nd. May you all have a blessed holiday season. Let’s dream a new reality together next year.
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