Uranus calls to us from another dimension. It invites us into a higher state of consciousness. It shocks us and wakes us up by disrupting our lives. It screams, “Wake up!” and slam dunks our reality.
Chapter 12: Chiron’s Healing Journey
The original wound establishes a core theme that replays through our experience again and again until it is recognized, processed, resolved and released. This is the healing journey. The destination is Spiritual Adulthood.
Chapter 11: Profound Healing
While we focus on the political drama, a far greater spiritual purpose is at work in our unconscious. We are being propelled by the Evolutionary Impulse toward a higher state of consciousness, a collective quantum leap into a more enlightened awareness, and we’ve run into the brick wall of our pain.
Chapter 10: Saturn in Libra: America’s Spiritual Destiny
We can argue for our limitations or step into our power and become “Evolutionaries,” agents of transformation. Saturn is key to this process.