In the meantime, the planets are aligning to midwife our birth into a higher state of consciousness, into a spiritual awareness of our one and only race – the human race – on our one and only home – beloved Mother Earth.
New Moon in Scorpio: Time to Love our Mother
The Ceres myth reveals the love of the Mother for her children. What is the myth that reveals the love of the children for their Mother? It has yet to be written.
Into the Depths: Sun Moves into Scorpio plus “Scorpio Special”
Scorpio carries the energy of longing, not just desire, but deep, spiritual longing. Scorpio want to connect with God.
Lessons from Libra
The New Moon in Libra brings important messages and opportunities for the USA. The Sun and Moon come together in America’s 10th house right at the mid-heaven, revealing our potential to lead the world into peace, if only we can get our act together. These “luminaries” are high overhead, like a giant light bulb, birthing […]