Out of Bounds and retrograde, Mars opposes Pluto to kick off a New Year of cosmic change.
New Moon in Scorpio: Claiming our Sovereignty
Just prior to the U.S. election, Mars will oppose Pluto at the final degrees of Cancer and Capricorn respectively. We can expect a power struggle.
Full Moon in Aries: Chiron as Mentor
In November we will be choosing the world we want to live in: one of fear or love? of domination or equality? of cutthroat competition or amiable cooperation? of nightmare or our finest dreams?
Annular Solar Eclipse: Massive Energies in Play
The 2024 eclipse season culminates in a massive release of energy that will initiate remarkable, if unpredictable, change over the next six months. To begin with we have an annular or partial eclipse in Libra, with the Sun and Moon tightly conjunct Makemake, Black Moon Lilith and Mercury in the USA 10th House, and opposite […]