A lot of action in the heavens this Tuesday. All the personal planets are having significant events with input from the rest of the solar system. Around 1:30 Pacific time, the Moon will trine Uranus setting the stage for transformation. Three hours later, the Sun will oppose retrograde Mars. The Moon then sextiles Mercury shortly before Mercury turns retrograde. The climax of the evening will be the waning Moon joining Venus around 10 pm Pacific. In addition Jupiter is sextile Neptune activating our hope, our faith, our imagination.
So what does all this mean? The Moon has almost fully waned. Shortly she will disappear and enter her deep shadow period where she sheds the vestiges of the Virgo cycle and enters the purifying flames of the Sun in Libra on Friday. I’ll do a separate piece on this New Moon at the end of the week, but I wanted to alert you to the wonders of Tuesday, and indeed the whole week to come.
The Moon holds conversations with Uranus, Mercury and Venus on her way into darkness. The Sun has a face to face with Mars. What are they cooking up for the month to come? Change is definitely part of it. Uranus is the bridge to the unseen world. Uranus sends off flashes of insight, waking us up to new possibilities. It lures us out of our everyday consciousness. When we don’t heed the message Uranus gets more assertive. It’s there to shake up our reality, break up our routine, throw us a curve ball when we get too rigid. Remember that the Moon is our feeling body. As the Moon gathers energy and information from the planets, it seeds them within us. So when the Moon brings in Uranian energy, we can expect the unexpected.
When the Sun opposes Mars in late afternoon, we will get another jolt of energy. Mars is now the closest to Earth that it will be until 2035. Take advantage of it. Our inner Mars will be triggered. This is an excellent time for observation. How do we react when our masculine energy gets prodded? Do we react impulsively? Do we anger easily? Get aggressive? Or do we respond with appropriate words and action? Refer back to the list of Animus qualities I sent you last time. It may help you identify parts of yourself.
The current Mars cycle began in September of 2019 in Libra. All of the Mars cycle has been about our perception of duality in its varied manifestations. The dance of opposites and the tension it creates is part of our essence. The challenge is to find balance because that is where peace and harmony lie. We are at an impasse socially and politically, but eventually the dam will break and we will begin to come back together in a new form. To prepare the way, we can heal that divide within ourselves.
“As Within, So Without.” The physical world is a reflection of our consciousness. The way the collective gets healed is through each one of us. It’s the crux of this evolutionary step we are taking right now. We can consciously direct evolution through our own healing. As we come into inner peace, we connect with the Source of love and joy and wisdom, which we transmit into our reality. Form will follow energy.
This is the new subtle work that we can practice in our daily lives. This is the Saturn piece in the Saturn/Pluto conjunction that kicked off this year. We must learn to take full responsibility for the energy we transmit into the world. This work goes beyond the psychological, but cannot succeed without it, because it is the presence of the past in our consciousness that is regulating our frequency. If we have unhealed wounds, if we hold negative self-images, if we harbor a broken heart, we vibrate our pain and suffering into the world around us. When we heal our wounds, we will begin to resonate with more subtle healing energies.
This is what I mean when I refer to the Essential Self. We journey forth into life, take the blows, suffer the defeats, and formulate concepts about how life works “out there.” We adopt the consensus paradigm and lose touch with the innocent, open, curious, joyful self we were at birth, when we were still bathed in the womb-love of the Divine.
The Sun will throw light upon the Mars function and the energy will be very strong for three days leading up to the New Moon. Pay attention this week to every little nuance. The Universe will be speaking to you, flashing information. As the Moon goes into darkness, take some time for reflection. What are you seeing about yourself and your life? What kind of thoughts are you thinking? Around dinner time, Mercury will turn retrograde and head back toward the Sun to begin a new cycle. Take his hint and get out your journal.
See all the endings and beginnings lining up? The Moon is completing its cycle. Mars is reaching its apex. Mercury is dropping back to kick off a new cycle in Scorpio, ruled by Pluto. So the next three weeks are all about looking back over the past three months, indeed the whole year. What have your learned about yourself? How have you changed? What challenges have you faced and how did you handle them? What new strength are you discovering?
Pluto is about empowerment. We experience loss, we face our inner demons, our lives get stripped down so we can see what is truly valuable to us. What matters? What do we want to take with us into the future? This is a great time to drop that excess baggage. Scorpio is a perfect context for going deep into our feelings – all the way to the bottom of our grief, and beyond into our joy, our wisdom, our Essence.
To close out the day, the Moon has a late-night rendezvous with Venus. Let them touch your heart. Let them take your pain, your anger, your fear, your doubt to be consumed in the fires of the Sun. Here’s an opportunity to appreciate the Anima, get in touch with her needs, listen to her voice.
I hope you all make time to really let in these energies and embody them. If we get to know the archetypes and how they function within us, we have a pipeline to healing and a trustworthy source of guidance.
We will talk more about Libra on the New Moon Friday. Have a great week!
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