I was asked yesterday if I were going to send out a post for the 11/11 Portal. I don’t follow numerology, so I really cannot speak to the significance of the day, although my limited research informs me that 11/11 is a great day to manifest your dreams. The numbers line up in numeric harmony opening a doorway for spiritual growth.
What I can tell you is that the dwarf planet Varda is at 27 degrees of Sagittarius, conjunct the Galactic Center and only two degrees away from Venus which will enter Capricorn at 12:25 p.m. Pacific. Pluto exits Capricorn on 11/19. Perhaps Venus will be able to soothe our grief and create some beauty out of Pluto’s wreckage.
Varda carries light and inspiration. Mythologically she is responsible for the stars that bring us hope and makes us wonder about the far reaches of space, stretching our minds into the unknown. So 11/11 provides an opportunity to see the light, however distant.
It is also Veteran’s Day, a day we remember and give thanks for all the brave soldiers who gave their lives in defense of our democracy. At least they will never know how deeply they have been betrayed.
Things are looking pretty dark right now and a large portion of our population is stunned, grief-stricken, bewildered, angry and imagining the worst. I certainly have run through all of those states and more. I think at bottom we all feel deeply sad that our compatriots have abandoned the values we hold in our hearts, the values that made America great in the first place.
I probably should have written this post several days ago because I had processed myself into a positive state of mind. It seems, however, that waves of sadness, a growing distrust of my fellow Americans, a despair that humanity is doomed to repeat cycles of cruelty over and over again, keep creeping into my psyche like a poison gas one cannot see nor smell.
I saw a TikTok video in which a 57-year-old man in a tan baseball cap spoke of his grief in a southern drawl. He said he spent the day trying to pinpoint why he had never felt as heartbroken and hopeless as he did now. He finally reached the conclusion that the election invalidated everything he had ever been taught about how he should live his life, all the values he passed on to his children. He was deeply saddened that over half of this country doesn’t value the notions of being kind, being generous, loving your neighbor, being accepting, having empathy, showing understanding, being truthful, ethical in business, not being a bully, not being selfish, and not being a total asshole.
That sums it up really well for me. He also said that a man who has put so much energy into dividing us, will never do a thing to bring us back together. He profits from the rage he inspires. He concludes by saying that we had an opportunity to take the high road, to stand for equality and fairness, to stand for the overall good of everyone, “but over half of y’all kept us from taking it.”
I wish I could provide the link, because this man embodied common sense and a compassionate heart, but I don’t subscribe to TikTok. If you’re interested, however, check out Billy Stritch who posted the original video.
I began this blog in 2019 because I saw the coming rite of passage as Saturn and Pluto came together in Capricorn and the USA had its first Pluto return. I knew there would be shock and pain, although I didn’t expect a pandemic, and I wanted to provide an alternate way to look at the challenging initiation we were facing. At the time I believed deeply in my fellow Americans, in their basic goodness and their ability to see through the lies of a would-be dictator. But it seems we are caught in a thrall. The forces of Darkness are sweeping around our blue planet and the bastion of freedom succumbed.
So I have come to some conclusions of my own. I’m 84 years old now and tired of fighting. Who knows how many years I have left, but I don’t want to spend them reacting to Donald Trump. I refuse to watch the news any more, I refuse to see his face or hear his voice or be shattered every week by his heinous greed and cruelty. And I refuse to imagine the worst scenarios for our planet and our people. I will live in my alternate reality of peace and love, laughter and gratitude. Despite the dark clouds, I can still hold my light.
So this is my last newsletter about the USA and the ups and downs of the lunar cycles. The voters chose to re-enter the Underworld for another plutonian go-around. I want no part of it. What I want now is to focus on my books. I am working with an editor on the memoir I wrote this year. I’m also a few chapters away from completing a novel. I want to live in peace. I want to make the most of my final act.
I may send out an occasional post and I will definitely send notices when my books are available, so don’t unsubscribe unless you never want to hear from me again. I still believe in my ideals, but I misjudged the timing.
If you want to keep up with the lunar cycles, I highly recommend Pam Gregory on YouTube. She posts her videos well in advance of the actual events, and holds a very bright light of her own.
Felene Bayles
We too are deeply saddened with the election and understand your deep pain. We wish you peace in the coming years.forever thankful for all your hard work.
Scott and Felene Bayles
Diana Vilas
Thank you so very much. I wish you the same.